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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. That said, the royal & yellow/gold combo just says "Summer in Milwaukee" more than the Germanics do. Milwaukeeans are unsually proud of our summer traditions (Lakefront Festivals, Brewers, Cook-Outs, Block Parties/Street Festivals) because winters here are so brutal and last so long. The BiG-era colors just scream summer in a way the Germanics don't.

    Nailed it.
  2. http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/glendale/2014/06/03/coyotes-owner-sued-deal/9942991/

    A Scottsdale public-relations firm has sued the owner of the Phoenix Coyotes, arguing that the team stiffed them on nearly a quarter of a million dollars.

    The Coyotes owner, IceArizona, had hired the firm, Rose+Moser+Allyn Public & Online Relations, to help the team defeat a referendum attempt in 2013 that could have pushed the Coyotes out of Glendale.

    But the public-relations firm claims IceArizona reneged on the deal, which included the sponsoring of the Scottsdale Polo Championships for five years, according to the lawsuit.

    The agreement required IceArizona to pay the polo tournament, which is owned by the public-relations firm, about $250,000 if the referendum attempt was defeated, according to the filing with the Maricopa County Superior Court.

    IceArizona purchased the Coyotes last summer in a controversial $225 million deal with Glendale. The ownership group hired the public-relations firm to help fight a petition to put the deal up for a public vote.

    The firm expected a $25,000 base fee and, if successful, sponsorship for the polo tournament and two front-row hockey tickets for eight games per season over the next five years, according to the filing.

    Rose received the base fee and a 2013 sponsorship, but Coyotes general counsel Craig Tindall wrote in an April e-mail that the team would not sponsor the event this year, saying that it did not appear the event would benefit the team.

    . . .

    Villasenor, who was charged with paying Rose, said checks for the base fee bounced because IceArizona President and CEO Anthony LeBlanc did not wire him money on time.

    I wonder what the p.r. firm did to help fight the referendum. Maybe hired some of those dinguses we saw speak in July. Anyway, lol at breaching a contract for a polo tournament.

    Oh, also, the city lost like $9 million on the Coyotes this year. Guess people didn't pay for parking.

  3. The only thing I didn't like about the original Bobcats uniform is the lettering for the NOB. The traditional arched varsity serif clashes with the italic drop shadow. Should have just used straight-across italic lettering for that (but probably not a drop shadow); it's not as if they didn't have the technology. I know the red-orange/slate blue/silver/black palette got some jeers for being a little too '90s Wacky, but I liked it. The road uniforms in particular were quite eye-catching, more so than the updated, more traditional shade of orange.

    I also loved the Bobcats' most recent color scheme. Yeah, I know, two-tone blue is way overdone, but I feel like the pastel orange really made things interesting. Of course, the application of the color scheme was atrocious in every way, but it had potential.

    The pinstriped Bobcats looked awful.

  4. I wasn't aware of it until recently, but it turns out lots of non-NHL fans crap on the idea of the Presidents' Trophy. I think there's definitely something to be said for what you do over 82 or 162 games. You'd think the other two leagues (well, three for the NL and AL) would recognize those achievements more so as to remind people that those expensive regular season games mean a little more than playoff seeding. The Presidents' Trophy curse is largely hooey.

  5. The NHL has no history of absorbing an equal league, so the National/American split makes no sense, and is especially clumsy considering most people in hockey refer to the AHL affiliates as "the American League" for short.

    The NHL needs to be about regional rivalries in high-density population corridors. The key is to have a footprint that allows for them.

  6. So, hey, about Vinnie Viola becoming a billionaire because of his company's IPO...


    And the State's Attorney General is sniffing around because Vinnie's Totally Legitimate Trading Corp somehow only had one trading day in the red in FIVE YEARS, which does not seem suspicious in the least. Also, the feds probably won't be far behind, because HFT was on "60 Minutes", and the last remaining redeeming quality of that show is that it manages to get federal regulators to nominally do their jobs every couple years or so.

    But hey, bet those Panthers still plan on spending to the cap this offseason!

    So basically this is just ultra-sophisticated, mass-scale insider trading? Oooh, this ain't good. NHL, you've found another one!

  7. http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2014-04-04/news/sfl-florida-panthers-submit-new-proposal-to-county-20140404_1_florida-panthers-ceo-michael-yormark-doug-cifu

    The Florida Panthers have submitted a new request to Broward County, after the team's first plea for public funds bombed.

    But the essence of the team's request has not changed. The Panthers, who say they're losing millions each year, are still asking the county for a package worth more than $80 million.

    The new request looks largely the same. County officials have not analyzed the new paperwork; it was received in County Hall before close of business on Thursday.

    Some small tweaks: The original request to get rid of a reserve fund is no longer in the documentation, and there is a change in how profits are figured, when it comes to premium seating.

    But the underlying profit-sharing formula that has gotten so much attention from county commissioners remains the same: After the threshold of $12 million in profits is reached, the county gets 20 percent.

    Here's the excerpt:

    Second, to the extent that Net Operating Income or other funds remaining in the Operating Fund exceeds $12,000,000 during Operator’s Fiscal Year (if any), Operator shall pay Team eighty percent (80%) and County twenty percent (20%) of such Net Operating Income or other funds remaining in the Operating Fund.

    The Panthers are still asking for:

    * Relief from paying any more debt on the arena. The request would shift the Panthers' $4.5 million annual debt payment to the county, increasing the county's share from $8 million a year to $12.5 million, to be paid in hotel taxes for the remainder of the 2028 contract. That's $67.5 million, including this year's payment.

    * A $500,000 contribution each year from the county into the arena maintenance fund. That's $7.5 million in all.

    * Relief from paying more than $1 million a year in property insurance on the arena. The county would pick up the tab over $1 million. Based on a county estimate of $600,000 a year, which of course could change, the total would be $9 million.

    * Relief from paying an increasing amount each year into an arena renewal and replacement fund. The annual contribution would be capped at $250,000. A previous audit found the Panthers were under-funding the account already.

    Those deal points haven't changed.

    The team would still:

    * Contribute $500,000 a year to tourism efforts, as it does now.

    * Repay two outstanding county loans early. They total $10.1 million, Babich said.

    The balls on these guys. Dickweed Panthers fans are trumpeting that their owner made an IPO on his high-frequency trading firm and is now a multi-billionaire. Okay, then he can pay for this crap.

  8. Race-baiting dickweed from the Panthers' SBNation blog has this to say about antipathy for the weak teams:

    This led me to believe that Canadians may be harboring a deep-seeded hatred for southern markets based on something beyond nationalism. In a way I believe the wanting of barring fans from the Sunbelt in the NHL is a subtle form of racism on the part of Canadians. The population of Canada is predominantly white much like the game of hockey. Yet much like the United States there are groups of individuals in Canada that believe in the notion of race as the sole deciding factor in superiority over other people. Also similar to the United States and humankind in general there are groups of well-meaning individuals of the majority that harbor some ignorant thoughts as a result of their upbringing and environment. What am I trying to say? I am saying that Canadians may believe, in a subconscious fashion, that NHL fans in the Sunbelt are not worthy or capable of appreciating hockey due to the racial makeup of the people of those regions. Latinos in Florida, Asians in California, African-Americans in North Carolina or even the thought of white people ignorantly categorized as rednecks and hillbillies in Nashville cannot possibly get this game due to their race.

    Asians in California brought us to this! Maybe people don't like your team because you're a dumbass.

    The rest of it is too dumb to even break down. It's just so dumb.

    EDIT: well, this masterpiece of a sentence deserves to be shared:

    Indeed the perception of hockey outside of Canada can be cruel as the world sees it as a bunch of thugs on skates fighting each other while a band of drunken hooligans watch and it only matters during the Winter Olympics even though nobody really cares about that version of the Olympics.

  9. I feel like that whole side of Minute Maid Park should have been razed and rebuilt or something by now. Even with these new ads for "community leaders" -- which is just darling, by the way -- that whole panorama of crap will forever remind me of 2004-2005. Whither Eric Bruntlett and Morgan Ensberg? Whither?

  10. I never saw what was so awful about those, either. I wear shiny dark grey gym shorts a lot for running and stuff.

    This is straight-up egomaniacal, I know, but my favorite Astros uniform was the one I designed for the Concepts folder like three years ago. None of their real-world uniforms have been any good.

  11. Tennessee may have to repeal its "jock tax," which taxes NBA and NHL players for playing in Tennessee and then kicks the money back to the Grizzlies and Perds. This tax doesn't apply to NFL players and the Titans because reasons. It's something to think about when stupid twats allege that Nashville is a thriving NHL market. Thriving because the labor has to subsidize the team, maybe. The Perds also benefit from the city paying them an "arena management fee."

  12. Our existing infrastructure for hosting soccer is incomparable, but man, think of the perception of the Great Satan "heroically rescuing" (stealing) a showcase event from the Arab world. The security needed to make sure some ululating nutbars don't blow up the L.A. Coliseum will make the Super Bowl look like playing in the backyard.

  13. Yes, the city has said that the subsidies and concessions that would have to be made to an NBA/NHL anchor tenant would outweigh the benefits of having one, and that they're acceptably profitable controlling the master lease themselves. Don't count on a team there.

    It's not that small, roughly equivalent to Cincinnati or Indianapolis, but three pro teams would be too much for the market, just as they would for Cincinnati or Indianapolis.

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