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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. 7 hours ago, flyersfan said:

     Nobody gets the origin, nobody has any idea “why” it looks like it does, and it’s got a universal dislike from a visual perspective.


    Sounds like the usual City Connect trifecta.


    I wouldn't have two red-based teams in the northeast start dressing as the Swedish national team but I just work in marketing and post on this board.

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, spartacat_12 said:

    plus it's the headquarters of Turner Broadcasting, which is now a league partner.


    "Turner Broadcasting" as Atlanta institution barely exists in any meaningful way. It's basically just a branch office of Warner and has been for years. CNN is run out of Washington and New York, and the other channels are just reruns and sports.

    • Like 3
  3. Fisher is burning baseball in an active shared market, a potential future market, and a third longshot-potential market. How hard can it be to get him on a hot mic saying that black guys smell like weed so that he can be forced to sell the team? Fake it with AI if you have to, I don't care. Make the son of a :censored: deny it. 

    • Like 2
  4. Just now, SFGiants58 said:

    It’s weird that the Bears still finished better than several teams, especially with all the mayhem at the start of the season. Is this the season that truly made them a “perma-bad” team, like the Panthers are now and the Lions used to be? 


    Either the second/last Trestman year or the first John Fox year. Take your pick: the Packers blowout on Sunday night or the Seahawks game where they punted on every possession. At one of those points they crossed the line that divides man and bum.

  5. 2 minutes ago, ruttep said:

    I was with you until you attacked the hockey patches. Wearing the C on your chest as a hockey player is woven into hockey tradition and has been part of the game forever. I agree in the other sports the captaincy seems more ceremonial than anything, but still holds importance on a hockey team. 


    A tradition that the Minnesota Wild crapped all over with their captain-of-the-month-club concept. Even two is pushing it. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, SFGiants58 said:

    I wanted the Texans to win the AFC, if only to troll as many teams as possible (Browns, Panthers, Titans, technically the Jags, etc.).

    Don't forget the Bears, who supposedly got this parting gift of the #1 pick from Lovie Smith and turned it into one of the most incompetent starts to a season I've ever seen while the Texans absolutely warp-sped past them in their rebuild. They outclassed more of the league than not.

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, RyanMcD29 said:

    On one hand, sure


    On the other, the amount of the Sports Blogosphere going from pretending to be die-hard Philadelphia sports fans last year to 12 months later going full on Chiefs fans because of Taylor Swift making the worst people on social media annoyed is giving me whiplash.


    You skipped a step: they all became die-hard Ravens fans first and then they pivoted to saying that if you don't support Taylor Swift cooking the planet so that she can larp as a high school senior from Denton, Texas, you hate all women.

  8. Just now, FiddySicks said:

    Yeah I really love the GOP going to bat for a team in their favorite American city… San Francisco, California. 


    I've seen people say "Oh, this Super Bowl is going to be TERRIBLE for conservatives!" No, it's terrible for liberals: one team's logo used to be an Indian plastered over five Republican states, and the other one has a white guy at running back.

    • LOL 5
  9. 9 hours ago, LMU said:

    Bingo.  It's almost a required design spec that every LDS stake has a basketball court in it, even if the room is carpeted.

    Getting way off topic here but it's of interest to me that part of the downfall of the church has been the centralization from ward-based, stake-based communities to a bunch of MBAs in a skyscraper in Salt Lake City dictating everything for everyone. Part of that is that everyone has to follow a standardized design for meetinghouses which, yes, has the goofy-ass basketball court that's also a wedding hall, but is also a bland McArchitecture that strips any sort of local input away and maximizes efficiency while minimizing construction costs. 


    I don't think they carpet the floors anymore but they do carpet the walls. I assume some descendant of Joseph Smith is in the carpet wholesaling business or something.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, infrared41 said:


    I much prefer the old Browns to the new version. We lost our team and the fans somehow lost 20 football IQ points in the process.

    I forgot who pointed it out on Twitter but it was that for all the talk of the Ravens' organizational excellence under their 15th-year coach or whatever, the team on the field is a bunch of certified dum-dums when it matters most. IQ leaks all over the place here, I guess.

  11. 7 hours ago, monkeypower said:

    Canada only has about 200,000 Mormons and the Mormon hotbeds in America aren't exactly hockey hotbeds so just by the numbers, it makes there wouldn't be many professional Mormon players.

    Yeah, but they're all in southern Alberta, which is a hotbed. The WHL produces all sorts of Albertans named Jaxxsyn, Huntzmin, and Crambon, but for some odd reason they aren't Mormons. 


    6 hours ago, LaGrandeOrange said:

    I am unfamiliar with most about LDS, but is there a reason why the mormon population would not want to watch the team just because they didn't grow up with playing the game?

    It's a small market that already has one very well-entrenched team playing a sport that's well-entrenched in the church. Resources are finite and I just don't know how you make Salt Lake City a two-sport town with the two sports running concurrently, especially when one is basketball.

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