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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Option A looks like the most likely and I like them taking the Metro name, but I think Option B could be interesting. Here's how I would change it.

    ECC: Georgetown, Villanova, St. Joes, La Salle, Seton Hall, St. John's, Fordham, Providence, Duquesne, St. Bonaventure

    GMC: Marquette, DePaul, Xavier, Dayton, Creighton, Butler, Loyola-Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland State, Chicago State

    In B the GMC would take Bradley and St. Louis which actually have aspirations (delusions?) towards being good at basketball and have fans rather than tripling down on Chicago with 2 schools that even fewer people care about than DePaul.

    I know a few Loyola fans, which is to say I know a few people who go/went to Loyola.

    Chicago State, though? Aren't they always on the verge of losing their accreditation? If you want another school of dubious relevance in the Chicago area, go with Valparaiso. Catholic, too!

  2. The Oilers' modernization wasn't completely terrible (though the greater Darken & Desaturate trend of the era sure was), but had some critical flaws. For instance, why the red? It muddled the copper stripes, and looked strange as the secondary color on names/numbers rather than copper. I could have lived with it without the red, but the red was distracting -- especially with the Flames down the road. It was fine as a product of its time, I suppose, but now that the Oil is back on the cusp of run-and-gun greatness, they absolutely belong back in their old jumping-off-the-ice colors.

    same thing with the Islanders to an extent

  3. They lost $9.5 million last year, which puts them ahead of eight teams, though that perhaps says more about the other eight teams.

    The Blue Jackets are bleeding twice as badly, and you've gotta think that between the complete history of futility, the 1.5+ lockouts, and the cancelled All-Star Game, the earth out there is tasting mighty salty. Of course, they just got that arena bailout, which nevertheless makes them nearly immovable for the next thirtysome years, so that should be a fun zombie team to watch in about four, five years or so.

  4. Yeah, that's too many teams to cut, but I'm missing the part where the Carolina Hurricanes were successful, unless having won a most forgettable Stanley Cup with the second-liners of the late '90s while otherwise missing postseasons and hemorrhaging money constitutes "successful." I'm against contracting six teams, and not even that high on contracting two, but I can't think of any team more inessential to the league than they are.

    Columbus, Florida and Phoenix. Maybe even Nashville.

    Phoenix and Miami, for all their myriad flaws as hockey towns, are at least large enough population centers and media markets that you can halfheartedly defend having given them a whirl. Raleigh gives you roughly the population of Hartford or Milwaukee with none of the hockey culture and three college teams to stand in line behind (though admittedly, their roommate is kind of the Shemp of the three). Nashville and Columbus, I'll happily give you, but I dunno, at least Nashville is something in the great quilt of America and not just a bunch of office parks and ring roads where people flee from Pittsburgh and Buffalo.

    Your 28-team alignment is intriguing, but the costs and logistics of merging three organizations into one kinda makes my head spin.

  5. Yeah, that's too many teams to cut, but I'm missing the part where the Carolina Hurricanes were successful, unless having won a most forgettable Stanley Cup with the second-liners of the late '90s while otherwise missing postseasons and hemorrhaging money constitutes "successful." I'm against contracting six teams, and not even that high on contracting two, but I can't think of any team more inessential to the league than they are.

  6. Bond rating dropped again.

    sonu munshi ‏@smunshi

    Moody's downgrades #Glendale's general obligation bond rating; cites payments to NHL for operating losses of the Phoenix Coyotes.

    38m Anthony Winter ‏@ppd7952

    @smunshi how about calling the payments what they are? The arena management fee. Gawddamn you're stupid.

    that guy's profile:

    I defend my right to bear arms and my hockey team in the desert. Put that together however you like...

    Arizona is seriously the worst place.

    On the plus side,


    Now she made 31 friends!

  7. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/trending-topics-t-believe-disaster-glendale-223107580--nhl.html

    Sound the alarms! Ryan Lambert writes a thoughtful article without blatant trolling. Unfortunately, it looks like that George Fallar creep sent his goon squad to downvote trolling/spamming comments past the visibility threshold, comments such as

    I'm actually really impressed with this article. I'm a hockey fan, and economics is not an interest, but I understood this article and was interested in it.

    +3 -20

  8. I'm sorry, I still can't believe they don't know who they're giving the money to. They asked him to say. He said no. Right there on public record in front of everyone. And then they went through with it! This is insanity! I know it's nothing new, but just think about it!

    A few favorites of the people who showed up to defend the Coyotes, most of them professionally clad in Coyotes sweaters:

    - one creepy guy read what sounded like Jamison's wikipedia article, then said "this is a top-notch guy! He deserves this!" Yes, for competently operating the Mavericks thirty years ago. FOAD

    - the girl who appeared in the CoyotesPAC youtube video said she made thirty friends by working to save the Coyotes.

    - an erstwhile car dealer said "you can't worry about the money. That's what I told my salesmen. Work with people, and the money will come in. I quit to become a poker player."

    - a large black woman said she wanted to grow up to be Joyce Clark.

    It sounds like I'm making these up. Especially that last one. But I know other people watched it. Come on. Back me up on this.

    I don't know if the city council video has been archived, but I highly recommend watching it if you missed it the other night. It's like eggbeating your brain.

  9. Is it true that there is the possibility Jamison's investors are a Native American tribe that wants to set up a casino in the city (you know, something that might actually generate revenue) only the council doesn't want to build the casino

    Yes, it's possible. People also think Matt Hulsizer and his Time-Traveling Fax Machine are involved, as well as the Ice Edge idiots who never had any money. We'll never know because he won't say.

    I think it's astounding that right there, on the record, she could ask if he'd say who his investors are, he firmly said, "no, I will not," and everyone was okay with this.

  10. Another interesting dialogue:

    "I've been asked to ask you if you know anything about hiring current or former City of Glendale employees."

    "I don't understand the question."

    "I mean that there may have been arrangements to provide employment to current or former city workers."


    "People who work here. You would give them jobs once you have the team."


    and it went ON like this several more times before he finally said he didn't intend to give jobs to aldermen who voted to give him money. Then they called a break. Hopefully the mayor used it to threaten those aldermen who think they're getting jobs.

    Irony: they're filling the break time with a promotional video for parks/rec, hosted by one of the aldermen who's voting to give money to billionaires and in doing so hugely cut parks/rec. Can't make this stuff up, friends.

  11. Apparently one of their financial people said they immediately need to cut $12,000,000 from the budget if the team goes, and $20,000,000 if the team stays. This will make their vote for the team staying that much funnier.

    Big Bucks Greg is at the meeting, reportedly, amidst a bunch of bused-in Coyotes fans. They wouldn't be here if this weren't settled already, I'm afraid.

  12. I don't know. This team had one and a half feet out the door in August 2009 and yet they're still here. Every time it's looked painfully obvious that the team was dead, they've been kept around. I've finally lost all faith that anyone involved in this can make the right thing happen, and resigned myself to the fact that the league and these local yokels are going to make sure the team never moves. Oh well.

    In short: you can't fight City Hall

  13. Forget it. There's no way it got this far without assurance that it would go their way. I don't know if Jamison will buy the team next Thursday or whatever, because I still don't think he really has the money, but they'll vote yes on this like they always do. And I don't know if the new council can undo this just because they don't like it. It's a crappy situation.

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