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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Yeah, I feel like kelly green or forest green with brown would've been an awesome neo-retro color scheme for a North Stars team that stuck around for the neo-retro design era. Green and cream sweaters/socks, pseudo-leather brown shorts. Would've been nice and old-timey, and appropriately earthy for Minnesota. Someone should try brown with sea foam or mint green, too. More contrast that way.

    Brown and light blue is terrific and the Memphis Grizzlies should be using it: brown for both grizzly bears and the river, it's too perfect! Brown and red would look awesome for the Indians, giving a distinct Rust Belt look to a team that can get lost in the navy/red shuffle.

    So it's a good color and should be used more. Just don't paint-bucket the swooshy Padres logos with brown, because that doesn't work.

  2. Semi-interesting interview with Marcel Aubut on a Quebec City radio station. He was predictably coy about anything obviously germane to having someone on the NHL's inside track come on and talk hockey business in Quebec City, but I'm more interested in his Ontario thoughts:


    - What do you think of Markham, Ontario's new arena project?

    - I don't like it, I don't like it at all. It really bothers me because one day there will be a 2nd NHL club in that area. Whether it be in Hamilton or the Toronto area, because the market has space for 2 teams. But there just is so much work to be done, there are zoning and territorial rights, naming rights, TV negotiation rights. We are far from it being cake there. But I will say, it bothers me that there will be a new arena in that area around Toronto.

    In short: get off my lawn, bitch

  3. They're the Presidential Seal colors, which I guess is even more Washingtonian than straight red/white/blue (which plenty of cities have an equal claim to), but also maybe less so because it could be too esoteric for its own good.

    That was their best set up there, but they went through Identity Rot with the black third, which had that terrible Capitol crest with the wacky-looking stars, clunky rectangle with team name, and requisite hockey sticks. What they have now could be their best with a tweaked Weagle as the primary on a more traditional sweater instead of the hideous "capilals" update and Edge-By-Numbers template. And stop wearing that throwback.

  4. Actually, a disaster that destroys the Jobberdome might be the best thing that could happen to that city.

    The team has nowhere to play, the league will be forced to sell them, the city would collect on some type of insurance (then use the money to make a parking lot), and their budget deficit would be reduced by $25M.

    I wonder what the Professional Rioters™ from last June are up to. Probably making it prohibitively difficult and unpleasant for me to take the train downtown on a nice day.

  5. I admit, I'd love it if Hamilton could somehow get a team. It would be great to have a Canadian NHL team within driving distance that I could actually get tickets to. Thing is, MLSE would never allow it. Yeah, the Leafs could probably continue on as the juggernaut of southern Ontario even with a Hamilton team, but they still won't allow it.

    This is just more evidence of my theory that the people who want a Hamilton team the most are not this fictitious Great Unaffiliated spanning across the peninsula, but just good old Maple Leafs fans. Whether it's "I'd love a team in Hamilton so I could actually afford to see the Leafs," or "I'd love a team in Hamilton so that they can give some healthy competition to the Leafs," or "I'd love a team in Hamilton because the huge encroachment fee they'd pay could really help the Leafs," the desire to see this area get a team is almost entirely informed by somehow improving the fortunes of the Maple Leafs. It's a fantasy. Everything as far as Windsor belongs to the Leafs.



    - Everything the maple leaf touches will be yours.

    - Everything?

    - Yes.

    - What about that shadowy place?

    - That's Detroit. That's beyond our borders. You must never go there.

    - I thought MLSE can do whatever it wants.

    - ...there's more to being king than buying players all the time, Burkie.

  6. I'm sure that Southern Ontario Not Toronto Or GTA But Just Whatever Southern Ontario is lovely, but they're not going to have an NHL team because it's very much the Maple Leafs' territory, if not de jure than de facto. And you can't say it's not. There are many Leafs fans, too many Leafs fans, from coast to coast to coast. They were the "home team" for all of English Canada until like 40 years ago. And yet apparently you drive to Kitchener and people say "who are these 'Mapled Leaves' you speak of?"

  7. Yeah, I don't think anyone really wanted anything more than the eight teams that were in the league before (except for maybe the Hamilton Is A World Unto Itself lunatic fringe). I'm fine with eight, nine if Halifax explodes in a good way but the likelihood of that is infinitesimal at best. The whole "you people want every team in Canada" strawman is dumb. I don't think anyone sensible is even arguing for Saskatoon, let alone Yellowknife, so put it away already.

    It is refreshing that the Leafs fans here are on board with a Quebec City team. Elsewhere on the internet, there seem to be Leafs fans who get upset over any Canadian team other than Montreal being in the NHL. Maybe it's because they still think the Edmonton Oilers are horning in on their turf. More likely, having to attend sporting events with teams from Ottawa and Winnipeg peskily reminds Leafs fans that Toronto is still in Canada.

  8. That's how teams had to make money then. Keep inventing new teams to buy into the club and distribute the found money accordingly.

    The idea that Phoenix has to be saved now so that Quebec City (and with it, I dunno, Seattle or Markham, they say) can be saved for expansion is ridiculous. Put this corporate socialism fire out and go back when the smoke clears, if you really have to be there. Which you kinda don't.

  9. I remember thinking the original powder blue third was pretty neat. Then the team thought it was too neat and let their whole identity spiral out of control, Minnesota Wild-style. I liked their original road sweater, but hated the crest.

    Also, wow, those blue stanchions were really ugly. I think Raleigh still has red ones. Why would any place do that?

    Lights Out: are those Hawks uniforms intended to be black or midnight blue?

  10. Well, if Stillman already had 15% of the team, some quick math would say that the Blues/Scottrade/Opera House/Rivermen package is then valued at a hair under $153 million. That's still a much better deal than the Coyotes and just the Coyotes for $170 million, which makes you wonder just how incompetent Hulsizer was to have bungled both deals.

  11. Good. Glad that's finally settled and the Blues will be on solid ground. First order of business for Stillman should be to see what kind of prices the market can bear; I've suspected that they've been leaving money on the table for years.

    At that price, though, like with Tampa, you're buying real estate with a free hockey team thrown in.

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