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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Exactly. The Kings have never not been taking a cue from another Los Angeles team or another Kings team. That's why I threw the crap against the wall with a Tampa Maple Wings-esque just purple and just white. No one's doing that. Probably for good reason, but hey.

    Incidentally, the Bulls wear black and red to match the Blackhawks (I think the Wirtzes owned the Bulls early on, at any rate, the Chicago Stadium was probably full of red when the Bulls came in) and nobody seems to praise them for civic unity nor slag them for copying. Probably because red and black isn't as distinctive as purple and yellow with yellow as a base instead of white.

  2. http://www.azcentral.com/community/glendale/articles/2012/02/21/20120221glendale-phoenix-coyotes-nhl-5-million.html

    Councilman Phil Lieberman demanded to know where staff was going to find the $5 million not allocated in this year's budget to pay the National Hockey League.

    Glendale pledged $25 million to the NHL, for the second year, to manage the hockey team and city-owned arena.

    The payment comes due at the end of the season in April.

    "We need to find the money now," Lieberman said. "We owe that."

    The city last year set aside $20 million in this year's budget with the intention of securing a team buyer who would pay the NHL tab.

    Sherry Schurhammer, management and budget director, said $20 million is in escrow and "we have to identify where the $5 million will come from and set up an inter-fund loan like in fiscal year 2011."


  3. John Spano did some great due diligence on himself and found himself highly qualified!

    No no no I know they mean they're trying to make sure their investors have enough money, but is that the sort of thing you should have to do? If you have a really solid group of investors put together, then you shouldn't have to do that much work, one should have to think.

  4. Red, black, and white are a striking color combination. Ask the White Stripes! Also, the pattern of alternating colors--black helmet, red sweater, black shorts, red socks--is pleasing to the eye, whereas teams in head-to-toe color can sometimes look like big blobs, especially in navy blue or black. In addition to that, you have the alternating black and white stripes. The additional colors on the Indian Head (copper, yellow, green, blue) also make it jump off the sweater in ways that logos restricted to sweater colors maybe don't. The numbers are white on red or black on white, very easy to read.

    All this chromatic contrast on the main two uniforms is why their thirds were so terrible: too much black, tan instead of white, couldn't read the numbers, the logo was inferior, etc, etc.

  5. No... the Lightning, Capitals, Senators, Penguins all come to mind as worse uniform sets.

    The Blackhawks' alternate sweaters have been pretty bad lately though. I miss these:


    Without an outline on the crest, the black of the logo gets lost on the black of the sweater, which makes it look like there are free-floating feathers. This photoshop doesn't show how bad it looks.

    I'm perfectly happy with the Hawks not wearing a third.

  6. You know, if you had the thin staff lines in white and the bottom segment in yellow on that Blues sweater, it wouldn't have been bad for a '90s design. It would still look ridiculous and dated by about 2001, but at least it would keep yellow as the Blues' second color. Of course, I've always had a soft spot for red as a tertiary Blues color. Navy works too, but something about the red feels right to me.

    Why did they add "St. Louis" to the blue note, anyway? Was this something they did to re-assert their commitment after the near-move to Saskatoon? I remember the Predators made sure to put N A S H V I L L E above their logo on one of their ugly new Edge sweaters after they had one foot out the door to Hamilton in 2007.

  7. http://msn.foxsports.com/nhl/story/new-jersey-devils-looking-for-financial-miracle-011312

    It will be hard for owner Jeff Vanderbeek, the 54-year-old former Lehman Brothers executive, to get the deal done by the end of the month, the sources added.

    That date is key, people familiar with the situation said, because it serves as an unofficial deadline set by the NHL to resolve the potentially-crushing fiscal problem.

    "[NHL Commissioner Gary] Bettman basically told him to figure out a resolution by mid-February, or he'll do what needs to be done," a source said, noting a league takeover is not out of the question.


    just keep pilin' on

  8. http://interact.stlt...l#ixzz1jLN5GuQ6


    Bernie said we have someone infusing the team with cash to keep us going??? do you know about this?? Jeremy Rutherford:

    Hey Big Al,

    Yes the NHL is very involved in the Blues' finances ... to the point where you could say "running the team." It's perhaps the biggest reason the league decided to terminate Hulsizer's purchase agreement and allow Stillman a chance to close the deal. I've been told that Hulsizer was really close to settling his financial structure, and may done so AFTER the deadline, but the league's decision tells us that it believes Stillman has a good chance of completing the purchase.


    That makes three teams to have been under league control this year (Coyotes, Blues, and the Stars till their sale closed). This looks so bad, especially when it's one of the best teams in the league being paid for by the rest of the league.

  9. Wrong again, Lights Oot. The side panels are ugly, the color scheme was one red/black team too many for a team that was already so well established as royal blue and gold, the goat head is ugly, and the shoulder yoke going so low as to include the nameplate was a bad idea.

  10. these HFboards posters shouldn't be allowed out of the house without diapers on. Get a load of this:

    As for that article, Im suspicious. Who is "Garry Jamieson"?. Wrong name. Our man from San Jose' is as you know "Greg Jamison". I think what we have here is a case of mistaken identity, the wrong guy put in the frame. Maybe this guy "Garry" was running a parallel track to "Greg" in some sort of long-con. Hoping to buy the Coyotes using funds secured by the Panama City based Crimson Group, who claimed to have an "in" with European funding & banks. Instead, Crimson ran a short-con on "Garry Jamieson", taking him for app. $244K in upfront consultancy fee's in order to secure the $500Mil he was hoping theyd deliver... instead, they did nothing, and now its up before the 15th Circuit in Florida.

    What? Occam's Razor, you retard. Greg Jamison has nothing to do with this, considering that no one has ever heard from Greg Jamison himself regarding such a transaction; it has only been attributed to him because some talk radio chucklehead in Phoenix misspelled the Canadian guy's name. Also, the talk about Jamison "going to Europe to find investors" aligns with this scam. I'm amused by the fact that Sharks Guy never bothered to categorically deny that he was buying the Coyotes. Too polite?

  11. http://ca.linkedin.c...mieson/1/5B8/58

    Garry Jamieson


    British Columbia, Canada


    Venture Capital & Private Equity

    Yeah. They had the wrong name all along. This went on for four months and nobody ever did anything about it. Weep for American journalism.

    Doing some googling, and I haven't found anything where Greg Jamison himself is quoted as being interested in the team. It's all just third-hand stuff.

    from ESPN:

    Anthony LeBlanc, the head of Ice Edge Holdings believes Jamison's interest is good news for the team. Ice Edge Holdings was involved in negotiations to buy the Coyotes for the better part of two years.

    "What I'm hearing through reliable sources is that he's the real deal," LeBlanc told ESPN.com.

    And we all know how stupid the Ice Edgers were.

    from Fox Sports:

    A group headed by former San Jose Sharks president and CEO Greg Jamison is one of two bidders for the Phoenix Coyotes.

    Glendale spokeswoman Julie Frisoni confirmed Friday that Jamison was one of the bidders and that no bonds would be sold as part of any proposed deals

    Well heck, if they're getting it from Glendale, no way they'll make a mistake with the names

    Chicago businessman Michael Hulsizer withdrew from talks to buy the team in June.


  12. Oh hey, Matt Hulsizer's exclusive negotiation period is almost up, at which point it would ostensibly be Tom Stillman's turn to make an offer for the rest of the team. I'd feel much better about, well, anyone who's not Hulsizer.


    EDIT (recycle a post, save an e-tree): Something happened.


    An investment firm claims it paid $243,500 in consulting fees for its bid to buy the Phoenix Coyotes NHL team, but the consultants "kept the money and failed to deliver any services."

    Too bad, the NHLBOG could've used a deposed Nigerian prince to increase its credibility.

  13. I'm trying to do the math on the Coyotes here. The NHL lost $16 million on them last year. Add that to the $25 million subsidy and that means the Coyotes lost $41 million. Payroll for last year was about $50.5 million. I don't know what travel costs and other operating expenses would be, but payroll would have to be the lion's share, right? So how low must their revenues be to spend relatively little and still lose that much?

    Everyone keeps saying the NHL needs to lower the sale price in order to close the sale. There's one particular imbecile at HFBoards who keeps repeating "blwehhh, ya, alls they need to do is apply that TNSE relo fee and pay down the LOC :o:bonk:;)" but that isn't the issue. People can come up with the money to buy the team. The NHL could offer to sell the team for a dollar if they wanted. The problem is that nobody wants to assume the present and future debt associated with owning this team. It's like the old joke about the guy who buys a Ferrari and can't afford to pull it out of the driveway. It's such a losing proposition.

  14. Cheesy primary aside, the Golden State Warriors definitely looked their best from 2002 to 2010. That shade of Orange made so much sense... Why they would depict the Golden Gate Bridge in yellow instead of it is beyond me.

    That's not the Golden Gate Bridge, it's a span of the Bay Bridge that hasn't been built yet. Dynamite design choice, the old Fictitious Landmark.

  15. I don't think the organization itself is going to do all that much moving. The sad side of this whole thing is that while Shane Doan bitches his ass off about having to make millions of dollars someplace else, we may lose sight of the fact that there are scores of comparatively mundane white-collar employees who are going to be out of work at the end of the season. All those sales reps, accountants, ticket agents, and other front office types probably won't be needed in French Canada.

    I don't think we're going to see quite what we saw with True North and the Thrashers, where everything but the player contracts were left behind and replaced with the organization of the Manitoba Moose. Quebecor doesn't have that sort of shadow government in place. Still, the matter of the language barrier means they'll be building an organization of their own, from the people in their offices down to the chairs they're in.

    All of these behind-the-scenes breaks in continuity will be good stuff to chew on when we try to reconcile the fact that the Winnipeg Jets are the Quebec Nordiques, going through the same ridiculous "never forget where you didn't really come from" song and dance that we had to go through last summer.

    Travis Hughes, Ryan Lambert, other retards

    You guys think you have the Jets back! WELL YA DON'T! You have the Thrashers! Your best player is Ilya Kovalchuk! Not Dale Hawerchuk! Wrong chuk! Go on! LIKE IT!


    okay, internet, if you say so

    Travis Hughes, Ryan Lambert, other retards

    And now you guys think you have the Nords back! YOU DON'T EITHER! You have the Jets! Remember how excited you felt when you signed Bobby Hull at Portage and Main?

    Quebec City



    I do

    Travis Hughes, Ryan Lambert, other retards


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