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Status Updates posted by Cujo

  1. This was amazing. Let's do it again in 2017! #FlyTheW https://t.co/xN0nMCsjON

  2. Sooooo nervous. @Cubs, plz tell me everything's gonna be ok https://t.co/MbMoAAWaE5

  3. @highspeed_dirt Don't tell me you're bandwagoning the Indians now...

  4. RT @NFL_Memes: Important News https://t.co/gVDhtkDCes

  5. @_timoden @Rdusty10 Houston would've given $120M had Denver driven up the price. Elway bailed. He knew.

  6. Today. https://t.co/OrcmLl4F7V

  7. Welcome to twitter! https://t.co/yMLeG1rnMc

  8. @sara73634255 hi ✌

  9. @ohmyashley11 Game was hard to watch on so many levels

  10. @Kruckerzz That avi is straight ?? #W

  11. And it begins again! ?

  12. Bout to dust off the PS2. Back to these ridic all-night hours I guess...

  13. #TeamNoSleep https://t.co/wHoL8CWuqL

  14. @highspeed_dirt Aw thx. Making you my new best friend ?

  15. @its_jro Your mom needs a twitter

  16. RT @cujoknows: Looks like everyone's already crashed. Meh. #teamnosleep https://t.co/bhyWLx2Ed2

  17. @kimstotler_ Why cant ya?

  18. @KintessaEarnest ✌️

  19. @candi_powell You're welcome! (go broncos) ?

  20. Runaway cart gained more yards than Adrian Peterson did in 2016. https://t.co/Do4cniy368

  21. Ahh, the good ol' days. #CUvsMICH #GoBuffs https://t.co/slJk7EodVj

  22. When winning no longer matters... https://t.co/RZ2GXNfUBO

  23. @highspeed_dirt See. Chargers fans DO know their role. ?

  24. @12News Lol fyi that's the rugby emoji

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