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Status Updates posted by SplashBoogie

  1. RT @montiray: Undertale's sales pitch is right up my alley https://t.co/r0NLfNf2LE

  2. As much as I love to play Chess, James is the one stopping me from grabbing a Knight because I missed my Queen is in danger

  3. Also the Jets hanging in there against New England? Maybe the Jets are for real?

  4. Knowing I have no one to blame for this but myself.

  5. Let's set the time for 168 hours.

  6. RT @emptywheel: Canada's laughing at Scott Walker: "Build your wall moron, with a big gaping Keystone vulnerability in the middle."

  7. Man if you want to see people bitch about nothing go to TVTropes and look at anything under WallBanger.

  8. I've been making some good work in the world building of SketchSlam!! I screwed up my sleep schedule just now so I guess I'll write tonight.

  9. RT @ingdamnit: beyond parody that so far the major election stances are1) tag/hunt latinos and put them in camps2) ensure Obama doesn't r…

  10. I'm not even going to pretend like I won't throw a party if that happens.

  11. Haven't drawn anything in a while so let's fix that.

  12. Okay technically Great Britain declared independence from me but still!

  13. Sorry. Leaving Bernie alone now. Now returning to your normally scheduled Sunday tweets.

  14. RT @jephjacques: When, when will Twitter allow the editing of tweets

  15. Keenan Robinson went for the kill. Jesus Christ.

  16. Saturday Nights are always such a beat down

  17. Everything is awful.

  18. Same goes for the Dems in 2016. An interesting election and primary is fun sure but I'd rather just wreck the Republican Party completely.

  19. There are a lot of overtly Republican spam accounts that I did not remember that I've also blocked.

  20. Arsenal's top scorer so far is opponents scoring on themselves.English Soccer is crazy.

  21. Well I had that dream where I was a starter for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers again.

  22. Anyone who thinks the current Charlotte Hornets set is a 5 out of 10 has their head firmly stuck in their hindquarters.

  23. RT @TorontoArgos: TOUCHDOWN - #Argos QB Adrian McPherson hits Vidal Hazelton in the end zone from 1-yard out. TOR 15, EDM 17. #ArgosLive #C

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