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Status Updates posted by SplashBoogie

  1. Tumblr liberals :censored:ing suck

  2. RT @CoopMurcielago: Y'all weren't saying anything when Scar got jumped by the hyenas though #AllLionsMatter http://t.co/09xEy70zzf

  3. If you have to tag yourself as #CriticalThinker in your profile...you probably aren't.

  4. No one engages in saber rattling quite like the @TorontoArgos Damned if it's not entertaining to watch though.

  5. My allegiance lies with David Price's team in addition to Joe Maddon and the Rays.

  6. (The match was National Sanders vs Walker, I haven't done the state by state yet.)

  7. If there is a loving God the Patriots will crash and burn this season

  8. Sayonara snapchat

  9. Adam Sandler and the Minions make a movie.The box office goes nuts and America gets shunned by the international community.

  10. Early to bed, early to riser is literally impossible because I can't sleep

  11. RT @Strikerslash: "World record. Plus 8 seconds"

  12. You think I'm hype about Pokemon but you guys would literally never see me again if there was competitive Mega Man Battle Network.

  13. So yeah. One strike rule.

  14. RT @BackgroundMitch: When Dennis Rodman endorses a presidential candidate you know exactly who 100% should not be president

  15. Oh well, at least I paid off a big debt that's been hanging over my head today.

  16. It's depressing how often that Onion article is relevant.

  17. Aww...Hulk Hogan...I JUST talked you up for being a Bolts fan. Please don't really have gone Donald Sterling on us.

  18. Also spins.:censored: this coffee is not working.

  19. It was supposed to be ornate but yknow :censored: autocorrect

  20. I guess force people to use their name, image of themselves and write up about themselves before they can post?

  21. "Know your role and shut your mouth."

  22. Did you miss this page?

  23. Another political rant that probably should've gone on @BTSSEric

  24. I'll give it a day but I think the novelty may have worn off.

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