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Status Updates posted by SplashBoogie

  1. Getting hopped up on aloe vera water. #turnt

  2. 150 years later and we're still reminding the South they lost.

  3. Overrated:St. Louis Rams [ ]New Orleans Saints [ ]Kansas City Chiefs [X]Dolphins [-1]Detroit Lions [X]

  4. Attention #Denton around the #UNT area: a white cat named Mikey is running about Carroll. If you are missing a cat be on the lookout

  5. Okay so now I have some rough time estimates. 12 minute episode -> 2 hours recording, about 10 hours of editing.

  6. So far Tampa Bay is doing exactly what they did in 2004 vs. Calgary, lose game 1, win game 2. Ideally they'll just win the next three but

  7. Protecting on the turn you're gonna die on anyways is pretty lame. Like okay thanks for dragging this match out one more turn

  8. RT @TheBriefing2016: A look at the different ways states are making it harder for many people to vote: http://t.co/eadDom7yBe

  9. In other news Timehop is going to be a MESS today in a year

  10. RT @missokistic: Latest 2016 GOP candidates-Rick Perry-Portrait of Reagan-Bootstraps-Nest of spiders-Bag of money with a "$" on it-J…

  11. Keep the Cup in the South! #GoBolts

  12. "Eric didn't you say Patriots fans are the worst?"They both can be the worst.

  13. RT @JackPMoore: As the Patriot Act expires, remember that tonight is a tough night for Dick Cheney. Losing one of your Horcruxes is always …

  14. True but there's only so many ways to do a roundel https://t.co/keiFfySBBe

  15. Ramen Shaman hype

  16. I always thought Jupiter's gravity was way higher than Earth's but it's only about double and a half?

  17. RT @SlavaMalamud: NBA's Conf Finals - 2 sweeps. NHL Conf Finals - 2 Game 7s. Which is better? KHL. Its Conf Finals ended with all 4 teams b…

  18. Love the new primary. I dunno who was smoking crack for the alternate logo though https://t.co/uZfDI6BaJ3

  19. I can't decide if I want an all-South Stanley Cup Final or if I want Tampa Bay Lightning to continue slaying the Original 6 and draw Chicago

  20. We can do it and we can do it against your old ass teams!

  21. If you Christian and you think you know when the world is gonna end you need to re-read Mark 13:32 and check yourself.

  22. Interestingly also how many times Chicago will score tonight https://t.co/jqh0XPxydQ

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