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Everything posted by SplashBoogie

  1. I wonder if cartoon hangover is still accepting submissions?

  2. If I spammed your snapchat with Lilo and Stitch stuff, you're welcome.

  3. With time I've also gotten used to the Bucs look. Ditch the pewter pants and socks, add an orange jersey with white letters and NOB and we're golden 'til the next rebrand. No you are not at all. Any team wearing that knock-off alarm clock font will automatically look unspeakably bad no matter what.I know the alarm clock font is awful. Unbearingly awful. Gut-wrenchingly awful. But the ditching the pewter pants and socks would turn the chicken poop into a somewhat palpitable salad. The only thing I don't like about the New Bucs uniforms is the NOB and Number fonts. Everything else looks great to me. I love the chrome striping.
  4. RT @NintendoUK: WARNING! Mewtwo arrives in spring 2015! Register both versions in a promotional period & get him for free! #SmashBros http:…

  5. RT @meganrad: Friendly reminder that you shouldn't post anyone's personal information online without their consent

  6. I'd kill to see a 0-10-6 team go to the playoffs.

  7. We need women in gaming, comics and animationWe need minorities in gaming, comics and animation.

  8. I'll get to see the beginning of it and my kids will probably have kids when it starts. My grandkids will be truly free I hope.

  9. RT @SeattlePD: Police looking for intoxicated man dressed as Ninja Turtle after he made scene & fled restaurant in 700 blk 3rd Ave this AM …

  10. RT @teamfourstar: Imagine Daffy Duck meeting Vegeta. IMAGINE IT.

  11. Looking on the silver lining of things my free time just opened up significantly

  12. RT @jonnysun: me: goodnight moon :)moon: night<3me: goodnight stars :)moon: wtfme: sry wrongnumbermoon: whos starsmoon: who is stars…

  13. RT @JeremyCShipp: Person gets chased by a clown.Person: "Like a good neighbor, state farm is there!"Insurance agent appears and clown sta…

  14. Great win Lightning! Way to keep fighting!!

  15. It's okay to write a slice-of-life where something can go right as opposed to always thinking "Well this will bomb, how big's the splash?"

  16. The spicy avocado cilantro sauce at Taco Cabana is awesome

  17. Damn was there a no goal?

  18. I have been in so many meetings today

  19. Maybe give me six pokemon or six characteristics and I have to make a team around that

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