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Status Updates posted by J_Marrs_

  1. ": Best thing I've seen today via @Bubbaprog: Idiots on Facebook get mad at ESPN for using "'Merica." http://t.co/YskfWfIy" @bobvail

  2. It took my QB throwing 5 interceptions and no touchdowns for you to win by 4 points, congrats Bod, Solid win

  3. Tastes so bitter, feels so sweet, Lost in a dream, never fell asleep, Tastes so bitter, feels so sweet, I've come back to old remedies #BMTH


  5. Alright #BillsMafia looks like we're NE JAX CLE BAL OAK fans this week, but most importantly, we gotta beat the colts!

  6. Goodnight everybody

  7. Let's play a game of Russian roulette!I'll load the gun, you place the bet! #BMTH

  8. I'm playing fetch with my cat, this is awesome!

  9. So far my fantasy QB's have accumulated -.02 points, 6 ints and 1 def td. thank you Carson Palmer and Matt Ryan @NFLRT

  10. I feel like for every player released in the NFL there is one fan who thinks they ought to be looked at #BillsMafia

  11. At least there's NU hockey to watch, and they're kicking ass

  12. And Jordan Marrs had a solid night with 1 goal and 1 assist, along with a solid defensive outing with a +2, and 6PIMS #pickuphockey

  13. Who am I kidding, ice therapy is the best therapy, time to play some puck

  14. I don't even feel like going to go play hockey, what the eff

  15. And on that note, :censored: it, i'm going to bed

  16. I'm happy that my NU sports concept got some love in class today

  17. Moes night with the bros!

  18. For all the $ paid to come to this school, you think we could get a decent WiFi service

  19. I feel like @Zachary_Root just searches " :censored: tweets" and retweets all of them

  20. Sitting court side for a D1 basketball game tonight, look how jealous you guys are

  21. #InMySophmoreYearOfCollege I upped my tweet count with this tweet

  22. At the NU St Bonnies womens bball game

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