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Status Updates posted by NelsonHackewich

  1. RT @prairiegirlsk: Anyone have any tickets for the October 29th Rider game for sale? Looking for 2-4 #Riders #Ridernation pls RT

  2. Finished art work for @real_2xs honestly one of my better pieces of work. #Riders #CFL https://t.co/9uE4LV5SkX

  3. The start of a weekend project for @real_2xs https://t.co/EeKvGSDUAm

  4. @natashafayye don't even get me started on that! Congrats on getting married by the way

  5. @Sheets24K @tdottg right where they belong my man!

  6. Gonna miss this place when the time comes to say good bye. #Riders #MosaicMoments https://t.co/vMRCkvgtza

  7. @Safimod foul balls for days. Hope you get one that'd be a good story for the young one.

  8. Took a page out of @JayOnrait book today. Had an office full of Americans. Presented them with Ketchup Chips, Smarties and Coffee Crisp

  9. @real_2xs hold out a year 7s. More refined phone.

  10. @real_2xs hold out a year 7s. More refined phone.

  11. @rgchernick they did not...

  12. Get used to these views ? #riderNation #Riders https://t.co/NzxnYDUGHx

  13. @JGasson_21 game is about more then the current product on the field for a lot of people

  14. Micheal Buble as hold music. Sure.

  15. RT @MaritimeCFL: Wearing this to #BMOfield tonight in protest of Toronto having 2 football teams. If you see me say hi #CFL #MLS https://t.…

  16. @DefendTheR yeah didn't you know the teams talk about it before the game. Everything is pretty much the WWE

  17. @bomber_nation @scratchingpost and Edmonton. And Calgary. And BC

  18. Time to be better then I was yesterday #AlwaysGettingBetter

  19. Listening to the entire @thehipdotcom discography this week leading up to their final show #TheHip

  20. RT @ScottMitchellPM: Per source, Chris Jones to Dave Dickenson after the game: "Win with some class." #CFL #Riders

  21. @on_roughriders @bjizzle56 @MattMcGillvs He might be able to, I'll ask if I see him tomorrow.

  22. @ImLowww what's wrong here? #NothingToSeeHere

  23. @fakeGAINER other: Brad Johnner with the a flame shooting out the top of his guitar

  24. @fakeGAINER it's only pre-season faker. Players probably got Nike shoes on too.

  25. RT @REDBLACKS: New season. New look. 05.12.16. https://t.co/qOqZKiDYil

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