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Status Updates posted by NelsonHackewich

  1. @soIoucity best be tweeting the whole next round of the playoffs

  2. Lions appear to be going #BackToBlack in their new teaser video #CFL https://t.co/HnfbK4RSkc

  3. RT @PaoloRDelRio: My latest at @DefendTheR: Retro Preview: How they’d look today – 1976 https://t.co/qTUkyRg2hu Thanks to @NelsonHackewich!…

  4. hey @TSN_Sports when is your app gonna support android tablets?

  5. Go time @WHLPats #WHLPlayoffs #gameChangers https://t.co/Dn36kDhXCl

  6. RT @SaskRushLAX: RT TO WIN! #RushvsMammoth in Colorado Friday night. ?: TSN2 @ 7:30PM. @SaskTelCtr Saturday for #FanAppreciationNight https…

  7. As mocked up back in December #Bombers going with this look https://t.co/OFE03vUgmW

  8. @rgchernick wow. Brandon should have made short work of the Warriors good W

  9. @mcauz56 that's not even coffee any more. Or did you just get 5 milk no coffee?

  10. RT @DefendTheR: While we wait for May 12th, here's a look at some great @Redblacks jerseys concepts https://t.co/Qi3G2IbyFE #RNation #CFL

  11. @BradSSMP you forgot falling in love again lol

  12. Loud country music in the show room... It truly is Monday #TurnItDown

  13. RT @adamstuart1: To sum up the #skdebate in two words: https://t.co/t03uKcVpOM

  14. Did I go to a conference I didn't know about? All these digital marketing types following me today.

  15. @FiaccoMatt north YMCA has a "carnival" on today #ImDying

  16. RT @espn: More than 13 million brackets are in the #AcuraTourney Challenge. After Yale's upset, here's how many are perfect: https://t.co/…

  17. RT @VanCanucks: We have this @GatoradeCanada Summit Storm prize pack to give away. Anyone who RT's this post is entered to win! https://t.c…

  18. @shandennruss glad you found it

  19. Good work #saskie #tm40 https://t.co/23h6iXYdEG

  20. RT @CTVHeather: Telemiracle continues! Ring those phones #SK!!!! @Telemiracle @ctvregina https://t.co/qiYKZgDZcq

  21. Telemiracle: the one time a year I use Skype #TM40

  22. For Dave! #riders #CFL https://t.co/R4XVuWWe3s

  23. @MW_GoJoeBruin Their actual gold will be a little deeper very UCLA ish

  24. RT @JockCartier: What I would give to be a fly on the wall at the Montreal Canadiens offices tomorrow... https://t.co/zcIGkyBLHQ

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