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Status Updates posted by DrizzyDrew1523

  1. I'm buying my girlfriend a real giraffe.

  2. I wonder if ghost Lori is cheating on Rick with ghost Shane? #TheWalkingDead

  3. In other news, the Buckeyes baseball team won today.

  4. I wonder if all Huskies love to eat socks like Melo does.

  5. Baby, you a song. You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise.

  6. Needing to remember when I'm on my personal account or the intern/work account. #FirstWorldProblems

  7. I'm going to quit school and sell duck calls. #DuckDynasty #HeyJack

  8. Interested in Ohio State baseball? Follow @DrewOzone for all the latest updates!

  9. Perfect Valentine's Day with the most perfect woman.

  10. Too excited for the @Maroon5 concert tonight!

  11. Everyone make sure to follow @DrewOzone for the latest on Ohio State baseball!

  12. If ya SMELLLLLLLL what The Rock is cookin'!

  13. It's crazy that books/movies like The Notebook, Message in a Bottle, and A Walk to Remember were all about his family.

  14. Melo + marshmallows = endless entertainment

  15. Our basketball team is a first weekend out in the tourney.

  16. Day of The Walking Dead!

  17. Such a relaxing weekend.

  18. Pretty sure The Walking Dead video game will take up my whole weekend.

  19. Melo is such a creep.

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