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Everything posted by DrizzyDrew1523

  1. Couldn't ask for more out of life right now.

  2. They're never going to tell us who the mother is. It's called "HOW I Met Your Mother" for a reason...

  3. And now, it's back to being cold... #ohioweather

  4. My iTunes is so diverse now. Everything from Tupac to Eric Church...

  5. RT @J_WhitmireOSU: Definitely the type of guy who would rather chill with his girl than go out...

  6. All Edwin Drood-ed out...

  7. Damn you NBC! Why must you make me wait until February for new episodes of Community? #sixseasonsandamovie

  8. I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her leave.

  9. I hate when people wear non-Ohio State collegiate clothing on campus.

  10. Days like these, they go by way too fast. Days like these, you wanna make 'em last.

  11. Girl you know you got it... and you know I want it.

  12. Constantly left speechless.

  13. *cues up some Michael Bublé*

  14. Wait, there's such a thing as non-political commercials?

  15. Everyone has their own opinions and you're not always going to agree, but if you have a problem with what someone tweets, unfollow them.

  16. To be honest, I'm more excited for the election to be over than I am to find out who will be president.

  17. This is about to be the longest night of class ever.

  18. Having no Monday classes and no 8 am classes next semester is about to be too nice!

  19. Taking a jogging photography class next semester.

  20. It's too early to be this dark.

  21. Why can't there be a countdown to the countdown?

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