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Status Updates posted by BillyTheKid721

  1. When the phones go down at work and you get a 2nd lunch break #yes #forthewin

  2. When your plans get delayed unexpectedly and you could have been making money the whole time.....

  3. Yes I'm in bed already. But I have the Suffolk PD test tomorrow #notashamed #growingupsucks

  4. Allergies on point today #nobueno #tgif

  5. "Why are you surprised I want apple pie-oh my god!" -Laura after remembering the apple pie scene in American pie

  6. RT @CauseWereGuys: For guys “bros over hoes”. For girls “chicks over dicks”. For me, it’s “whoever has my back over the fake ass people, an…

  7. RT @CauseWereGuys: Considering that Iron Man and Batman's only real superpower is being super rich and smart, Bill Gates turned out to be a…

  8. RT @CauseWereGuys: Short girls are the best girls.

  9. Attention world, Sandlot 2 is on Netflix!

  10. I'm really liking having members of our military singing the national anthems during the NHL playoffs. #makeityearround

  11. Russian President Putin scores 8 goals in an exhibition game against ex NHL players...they had to let him so they didn't get killed

  12. Shaquille O'Neal in grown ups 2 is hysterical #dying

  13. "Hey Ron, whose driving?""Oh it's ok. It's on cruise control"#anchorman2 #ronburgendy

  14. RT @CauseWereGuys: Whenever people ask me why I don't have any tattoos I say to them, "Would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?"

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