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Status Updates posted by JackKrabbe

  1. RT @RWPUSA: The President on Twitter implies that one senator is a whore and calls another "Pocahontas". A-OK with Congress. Two FBI and DO…

  2. RT @existentialfish: paid cnn contributor defends roy moore: "when the jews were in bondage for years they still loved each other" https://…

  3. RT @NewYorker: Donald Trump appeared to dominate Twitter, but none of the year’s ten most-retweeted tweets was written by him: https://t.co…

  4. RT @patagonia: This is the largest elimination of protected land in American history. Take Action: https://t.co/biZPxo7PHh #BearsEars https…

  5. RT @nowthisnews: This senator just schooled Republicans on what happened last time they instituted tax cuts https://t.co/UrFsgRXiTj

  6. RT @brianklaas: If Congress had a spine, they would tell Trump that they won't send him any further legislation until he apologizes for and…

  7. RT @ZachStafford: Malia Obama makes out with a boy and blows smoke rings and Conservatives have a FIT. Allegations of Roy Moore being a s…

  8. RT @AoDespair: Your country is being purchased. And in secret. But hey dark money is free speech, or so says the highest court in the land.…

  9. RT @charliespiering: At 6:07 a.m. FOX & Friends highlights Marshawn Lynch story; Trump tweets at 6:25 a.m. https://t.co/Y9yFDsd8bd

  10. RT @chrislhayes: Not only denies! Called the women liars, threatened to sue them and did long riffs at his rallies about how they were too…

  11. RT @AndyKroll: Troubling comment below by a Sinclair employee ??? https://t.co/QNqT51r13y

  12. RT @gettinnoticedmo: If I go to the DMV and don't fill out a form right, I can't get a driver's license. Why the :censored: does Jared Kushner h…

  13. RT @GoAngelo: CNN: Here are the results from last night's election Fox News: What election? https://t.co/5yqJTd4GrU

  14. RT @TheEllenShow: Exclusive footage from the 11 minutes when Trump's account was deactivated: https://t.co/CJu8zwUIGw

  15. RT @RepAdamSchiff: What kind of president calls our justice system a joke and laughing stock, with “so-called” judges? The worst President…

  16. RT @EdKrassen: After reading the Paul Manafort indictment, I felt Special Counsel Robert Mueller is on his way to getting Trump. Then I re…

  17. RT @thehill: Analysis: GOP tax plan would cost $2.4 trillion, won't result in meaningful economic growth https://t.co/5nna7OmbjU https://t.…

  18. RT @ProudResister: Dear @VP Mike Pence, Trump got Russian Flags thrown at him today. This means that Pride Flags are in your future! P.S.…

  19. You are unfit. And you got “billions and billions” of free coverage from those real news orgs. https://t.co/QLv1ggc7HP

  20. RT @RVAwonk: Sessions admitted he discussed Trump's Russia policy during a 2016 meeting w/Russian ambassador. ...which he previously denie…

  21. RT @perlmutations: What is most troubling is how eager the GOP is to align themselves to scum like this. They are nothing short of the part…

  22. RT @climate: How science links climate change to Irma’s fury https://t.co/AzNthJqcaY https://t.co/2xNdN2vGC9

  23. RT @ShaunKing: Can you show me a SINGLE TWEET or angry statement Trump has ever made calling out a white man for shooting & killing a cop?…

  24. RT @billmaher: If you can’t see the difference between the way blacks & whites are treated w/guns in America then I think there is a little…

  25. RT @ProPublica: Ivanka & Don Jr were being investigated for felony fraud They lied to Trump SoHo buyers And yep, there are emails https:…

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