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Status Updates posted by JackKrabbe

  1. RT @RealTimers: "Once you have hurricanes and headlines that validate the problem...let's pay attention to the solutions. That's what we di…

  2. RT @jonfavs: Sweet tax plan https://t.co/hWtlWcVIkY

  3. @theMRC @JohnCornyn You are an :censored:

  4. RT @yashar: NEW: A Ukrainian born billionaire who does biz w/ Russian oligarchs is funding Trump's legal representation via RNC https://t.c…


  6. RT @ShaunKing: Weird. https://t.co/SpUdO2pWsF

  7. RT @AoDespair: From his history, performance & statements, Pres. Donald Trump is a white supremacist. Please alert HBO i need to be fired.…

  8. RT @ananavarro: Rush Limbaugh evacuated after calling #Irma "media hype". @ChrisCuomo, dad to 3 small kids, is in harm's way covering storm…

  9. @stephanjenkins need a clip of your take about this from @PasteMagazine ASAP

  10. RT @sluggahjells: In which Trump comes to the Army-Navy game, only to then diss the Army-Navy game about not having the "best football." ht…

  11. RT @danpfeiffer: I am confused. Were voters supposed to takes Trump's attacks on Hillary's ties to Goldman Sachs literally or seriously? ht…

  12. RT @burch: When you realize it's @MayorSRB's last day in office. I see you @MayorElectPugh https://t.co/yjUjDmkbYA

  13. @BFeldhausen wouldn't be a Texans game without that marquee

  14. RT @MattGibstein: The President-Elect of the United States errybody (no, these are not from a parody account – I triple checked) https://t.…

  15. RT @AoDespair: Is everyone at CNN a moron? Unless we are now entirely a banana republic, this decision does not in fact rest with the US Pr…

  16. RT @ryanmink: These refs are missing some easy penalties on the Dallas secondary.

  17. RT @SFY: "Gifted? Absolutely. Passionate about what he does? I've never seen that." —@RayLewis weighs in on Joe Flacco and why he's so inco…

  18. RT @LOLGOP: Which is worse -- the white nationalist in the White House or his looting taxpayers for the benefit of his kids and his busines…

  19. RT @johniadarola: If Trump selects John Bolton as his Secretary of State, that's a huge middle finger to the rest of the world and proof th…

  20. RT @NateSilver538: Clinton won all 18 states where an above average share of the population has advanced degrees. She lost 29 of the other…

  21. so awful https://t.co/nbUgMzp408

  22. RT @TheDailyEdge: Trump: "Hillary will be like a third term of Obama" BREAKING: Obama now more popular than Reagan was in '88 https://t.c…

  23. Annnd my love affair with the Cubs just ended. https://t.co/IV4RtQzTTc

  24. The market is tanking as Trump's poll numbers are rising. Coincidence? Hmm.

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