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Posts posted by NoE38_Concepts

  1. 15 minutes ago, Kevin W. said:

    I considered making the home alt blue, but I figured that that’s the kind of thing that would start a riot in downtown Montreal if it ever happened for real. 

    That's definitely true, Even though I really wanna see the Habs in a blue alt. How about switching the red and blue in my suggestion? a blue stripe surrounded by two white at the hem, and blue cuffs.

  2. 2 hours ago, Magic Dynasty said:

    That happened a TON a while ago to me, but it stopped a couple weeks ago. Are you getting redirected to a site that says “You’ve got the secret chance!” and has a thumbs up on it? If so, that’s the one that I got. 

    I don't actually know, the antivirus just aborts the connection before the website can load.

  3. 24 minutes ago, neo_prankster said:

    Next we'll need...


    - Playing field.

    - Number of players on the field for each team

    - Roster size

    - Advancing the ball.

    - Time of play: (quarters or halves?)

    Field: I'd keep it simple and square, with less lines than a football field.

    Players: For outdoor, 10-16 players would work. Indoors, 6-10.

    Roster Size: I'd say around 25-30 players.

    Time of Play: maybe 35 minute halves?

    I'll think about advancing the ball.

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  4. 16 hours ago, neo_prankster said:

    As for scoring, I want to be able to amalgamate the Gaelic, Arena and Aussie rules goalposts. How many points could each spot be worth?...

    Maybe something like this?

    It's from international rules, a combination of gaelic and aussie rules football played between Ireland and Australia every two years.

    Here's more if you want to check it out.


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