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Posts posted by WideRight

  1. 11 hours ago, Brian in Boston said:

    The Stallions name is not only already used by a professional sports franchise, it's currently being sported by a team in the other alternative football league.



    Just saying that there are no "Stallions" in the Big 4(5) sports.  The fact that the AAF used it as a name testifies to my point that a "classic" name can be a good choice for a pro team in a startup league.  


    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, pianoknight said:

    They have to come up with some kind of name. In 2019, all the "classics" - warriors, tigers, bulldogs - are totally overused. 


    I'm sure people laughed at names like Athletics, Packers or Magic when they debuted. 

    I would say that while the "classics" are common in HS and in the NCAA, they are amazingly rare in pro sports.  


    Bulldogs-- 0 pro teams

    Huskies-- 0

    Wildcats-- 0









    Knights-- 1 (Golden)



    Eagles-- 1






    I think the XFL would do well to play up the "Nostalgia, Olde Tyme Footballe" theme by pushing not only old-school play style, but also old-school team names that remind people of HS and College rather than trying to be edgy and kewl.  I could see a lot of people getting on board with a retro look to the league and retro names like: 


    NY Knights--Washington Warriors--St. Louis Stallions--Tampa Bay Sharks (or Tigersharks)--Dallas Mustangs--Houston Bulldogs--LA Stars--Seattle Cougars



    • Like 5
  3. The rumors and leaks on 2020 XFL team names has begun and if some of these are true it means either MCMahon has lost it and dragged Oliver Luck with him or the entire XFL is designed to be a tax write off. 


    Tampa Bay Mystery Ships?

    Seattle Subterranean?

    Dallas Greats?

    Houston Launchers?


    This has to be a diversion, right?  The XFL cannot possibly be serious with this.  

    • Like 2
  4. 24 minutes ago, Gothamite said:


    That is usually the case. 


    6 hours ago, guest23 said:


    I'm sure vince is not worried one bit now that he has access to that sweet saudi cash...I'm really starting to question wwe's true motivations and think that mcmahon and his ilk only align themselves with patriotism and pro USA stances when they stand to profit off it. Maybe we are all getting played for fools here?


    While McMahon, as a conservative, may actually be peeved at the NFL for how it handles the national anthem issue, there is clearly a profit motive here.  McMahon believes (maybe right, maybe wrong) that many NFL fans are also conservatives, Trump supporters, etc. and that they will be attracted to a league that takes a stand, that plays on nostalgia for a "traditional" brand of football and that plays up the jingoistic "Patriotic" card.  I am sure that to a point he has that right, but then his choices of cities make even less sense.  


    They make no sense from a media standpoint.  Placing teams in cities that already are packed with major league franchises (all 4 sports) is already a questionable move, but if his target audience is more conservative, 'Murica types, he would be far better off looking at Birmingham, Orlando, Texas or other Red-State locations.  Putting teams in LA, NY, Seattle, DC makes no sense if you want to attract that demographic and then you add on top that no TV station in any of those markets has time to cover XFL games because of all the other teams they need to cover, and I don't see this as a recipe for a successful league.


    • Like 3
  5. On 3/17/2017 at 5:44 PM, Gothamite said:

    The Brooklyn Cyclones are having another food-related promotion this summer, when they will for one day become the Slices. 




    These are the uniforms:




    And the justification:



    Two things:


    1. "Brooklyn pizza"?


    2.  This would be much better if the two teams were actually playing each other. 


    Will Mookie throw a garbage can through the press box window after the umpire chokes out Radio Raheem in the 7th inning?   Not sayin', just sayin'

  6. Fond du Lac Winnebagos   -- Could be the native people, could be the RV's.  Think of the fun promotions with that one.

    Fond du Lac (Fightin') Lutherans -- Hey, it is good enough for Notre Dame.

    Fond du Lac Marines -- Largest employer in the city is Mercury Marine (outboard motors for boats)

    Fond du Lac Fromages -- Cheese!!!! not just because of the fondue reference, but also because Wisconsin. 



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