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Everything posted by derami

  1. Now that the Browns versus Bills game has been moved to Detroit, I’m curious what Browns wear.
  2. Why can't Miami just wear their home blue jerseys, or the throwback blue jerseys, when they're home? I've only seen it once this year and it was gloriously beautiful. Would like to see them wear home blue jersey with white pants and the striped socks, versus Cleveland in the white jersey and brown with orange stripe pants, striped socks.
  3. Would love to see the Browns wear the throwback all white 75th anniversary edition when they play against Tampa in three weeks, and have Tampa wear the pewter color rush
  4. They’re orange as primary with brown numbers and brown white brown sleeve stripe. This was the best image I could find: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=IXMhYFtY&id=D9EA64267086AEF9A749B9204E4E42BE8EE93B58&thid=OIP.IXMhYFtY5139pXAOMjWT2wHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2ffanatics.frgimages.com%2fFFImage%2fthumb.aspx%3fi%3d%2fproductimages%2f_4133000%2faltimages%2fff_4133477-080f7447e4b0de216c6dalt1_full.jpg%26w%3d900&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.217321605b58e75dfda5700e323593db%3frik%3dWDvpjr5CTk4guQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=900&expw=900&q=nick+chubb+inverted+legend+jersey&simid=608003808693327022&FORM=IRPRST&ck=E50395440823B991F0C03C0DF67337CE&selectedIndex=0&PC=EMMX04
  5. I am likely in the minority, but I’d really like to see my Browns adopt the inverted legend orange jerseys, orange pants like they currently have and either the traditional striped socks or the brown socks from their current color rush. If they wrote that against a team with a dark color scheme (for instance the Bengals in their black pants and jersey, or the Bucs in their all pewter, but with white or red socks), that would be decent. my 2cents
  6. I don’t mind color versus color matchups if they’re appealing aesthetically. The former Rams “mustard” leotard look versus the Chiefs “ketchup” - not so much. The teams are what’s crucial if it’s going to be color versus color, it won’t fit if they’re relatively close together either (I.e. Team A has red as a primary and Team B orange, etc.)
  7. Then perhaps on October 31st Monday night game against Bengals go with the throwback white?
  8. Wish they’d just wear the orange socks with color rush, …or orange shoes. I like the 2019 color rush for the Browns better myself.
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