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Everything posted by chriscj1983

  1. The only reason the facemask color will never change is because they were extremely successful while wearing it. Had they never won anything relevant, people would be wondering why they held on to a gray mask. Just ask the St. Louis/Pheonix/Arizona Cardinals. They finally added silver to their scheme so now it makes sense, but it never made sense before then, especially when they went with such a modern look in 2005. I understand why, as a 49ers fan, you'd want to keep it around. Personally, I prefer it over the red masks they had in their redesign, and I really don't have a suggestion as to what to replace it with. White maybe? It'd stick out quite a bit, so that's not ideal. Gold masks would look goofy in my opinion, but other than that, there's not much else to work with. No one dare say black. Don't do it.
  2. About time someone said what everyone was thinking.
  3. The white helmets worked last year because they paired them with an orange uniform. They still think they're a navy-first team, while featuring more orange than they have in years. Ditching navy for royal blue would help some of the aesthetics but not the gimmicky b.s. of course. Getting lost in all of this is how terrible the helmet "stripe" is.
  4. I wish they made the eyebrows on the Bronco even more angrierest than before. Then the rest of the league could see that they mean business.
  5. I don't think so -- I'm just reacting to what I'm seeing, and they look like trash to me. Not the worst uniforms I've seen by any stretch, but they're still garbage. They had an opportunity to design something that could stick around for more than five years and, in my opinion, they failed. If you like them, that is 100% fine, I'm not going to take that away from anyone. Please, by all means, like this uniform. But to me, it oozes 'fast fashion' aka something that is meant to be replaced in a short span of time so they can sell more merchandise.
  6. I'm being extremely pessimistic but I feel like they will not see how bad it looks and change anything for years.
  7. My goodness that white/navy/orange/orange is atrocious.
  8. I agree-- I'm not sure if it was intentional either. If it was, the execution is bad and they should feel bad. I guess its the second mountain, or what others might refer to as the 'chargers bolt'... I don't think it's necessary. We can understand that mountains are a part of Denver's identity just by the angular shoulder cap/stripe, but they took it one step further and really spelled it out. And if we still didn't get it, the 5280 should hammer that point right home! Next step is having the word M O U N T A I N S spelled out in the helmet stripe. New alt idea for the next few years, you're welcome, Nike.
  9. Not every uniform has to be a throwback, but it's not too much to ask for them to not look like trash. It is possible to design a new uniform that looks classic, yet modern. It has happened before. Not in Denver, unfortunately.
  10. The Denver Broncos are allergic to this shade of blue, and it makes me sad. I feel like the navy helmet/white jersey/orange pants is just unbalanced. The lighter shade of blue made that work a lot better than it does with the new uniforms. Doesn't help that they use white socks with that combo, but that's not a surprise. I've disliked their navy since the rebrand in the late 90s, and that sure isn't changing with this lateral move. They are somehow boring and bad at the same time. They also already feel dated to me, but they came out minutes ago, how does that happen? edit: they have a classic uniform with this blue... but the sentiment remains. The navy is garbage.
  11. If they do, it's your fault for putting it out there.
  12. That Texans helmet looks like a board concept from 2004. Not in a good way.
  13. I want to be extremely clear that if these shoulder horns extend across the back of these jerseys, it will be the exact opposite of 'cool'.
  14. Why do I get the feeling the blue shoulder horns extend to the nameplate on the back of the jersey?
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