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Everything posted by BenLaine

  1. They have said they are keeping the colors even beyond 24/25, so this (reportedly) is the permanent palette, folks.
  2. Maybe they could be the 'Utah Still Undecideds' for year 2 and really milk it!
  3. As someone who moved from the UK to the USA and has observed sports culture closely in both, it should not be a surprise that the most likely name is something aimed at kids. The whole sports environment here is family oriented with even the chants being something kids can easily learn ("Let's go insert team, let's go" is the best example) and childlike traditions like the waving white flags/handkerchiefs/towels as a sign of hostility rather than realizing it is the universal symbol of surrender. I think it is charming, and it hooks the young'uns. The names are often bold and "dangerous" but something kids will love. Sports culture in the UK, though kids are still involved, is much more tribal, though I do actually prefer the nicknames there, as they are quirky instead of aggressive. Some are professions historical to that area (Hatters, Brewers, Glovers, Cobblers, Chairboys), some are harmless creatures (Canaries, Bluebirds, Magpies), and some are just bizarre (Grecians, Toffees, Cherries, Addicks). It is actually a little surreal for such gentle names to be attached to an aggressive, tribal culture, while here in the States there are super aggressive names attached to a much more family friendly environment - though with the latter, the aggressive names still tend to be attractive to kids as I said above (Hawks, Bears, Wolves etc.).
  4. Some AWFUL names in there. Utah Glaciers - "We're coming for you! (pause for a few thousand years) "We're, uh. STILL coming for you! Stay right there - don't move! We'll get to you!" Utah Canyons "Yah - when Utah made their offer I realized I really want to be a Canyon". Utah Frost "We'll attack you like little sparkly drops of frozen water that appear overnight - watch out!" Utah Swarm - love the bee symbol, but 'Swarm' just does not roll off the tongue. "Let's go Swa-arrrm let's go!" What's with the lack of plurals for Mammoth, Yeti etc. too? I seriously think a six year old thought up these names. Love Caribou, though.
  5. Not sure how many have voted, but at the poll below, despite 20 names, Yetis have 36% of the vote, with the next closest at 13%. Poll: Vote For Favorite NHL In Utah Team Nickname (kslsports.com) This has to make this name a massive favorite for any official fan vote.
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