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Cincinnati Reds concept


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So, long time reader, first time (attempted) artist* However, with no uniform tweak in sight for my beloved Cincinnati Reds, desperate times lead to desperate measures. In my opinion, their current set is an improvement over the 1999-2006 cartoonish "black for the sake of black" nightmare. That said, there are still many elements from the previous set that could be eliminated (i.e., use of dropshadow, black-billed road hats), as well as a few new elements (old-timey font with outline and dropshadow) that just make my eyes hurt (literally and figuratively).

So, for this (attempted) concept, I tried to go "back to the future" to the classic 1970-1992 look for the primary uniforms (home and road) with a little bit of the 1950s/early 1960s for alternates (which would preserve the use of black, but return it to its more historic - i.e., pre-1999 - uses). I've also used their current uniforms (sans logos and wordmarks) as a starting point.



(*haha, you all know this is from MS Paint!)

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I love the vest jersey, and always have, so that is nice to see them. Otherwise, nice work, and good start to your logo making career.

Favorites: Dallas Cowboys, New York Yankees, New York Rangers, New York Knicks, Cam Newton ND Irish

Least Favorites: New York Giants, New York Mets, Washington Capitals, Pittsburgh Penguins, Philadelphia Eagles, OBJ

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