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Tank Stumper 7/21/04


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Let me guess who you think is the manager in baseball is? Tony Larussa. Well, I have news for you Larussa is the most overratted manager. He over-manages and that cuases his team to lose the big game. When he was in Chicago he won nothing, in Oakland he had one of the best teams in history and he lost the World Series twice when he should have won all 3. The 2 times they lost they lost in 4 and 5 games. They choked it away. In Stl. he has had teams that couls have won it all and they couldn't get to the World Series. The Cards have been in the NLCS 3 times and have lost them all (once they had a 3-1 lead in the series). 2002 is a perfect example of him over-managing, when he walked Bonds almost every at bat. The Cards might have been in the World Series (and might have won one) if it weren't for Larussa.

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