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ISBHF WJHC (Sheffield 2016) concept by zac (4/6)

Zac Seidemann

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The ISBHF is the International Street and Ball Hockey Federation. It is currently the highest level of ball hockey in the world. For those of you who don’t know what ball hockey check this out: http://www.isbhf.com/en/about-sport-w4/basic-rules-w23/

Recently they had their world junior championships in Sheffield. This will be a concept for that tournament. For this concept the ISBHF secured a deal with Adidas similar to the one Adidas has with the NHL. On top of that Adidas releases an equipment line up specific to ball hockey. The equipment is limited to gloves, sticks and helmets. However all of the equipment is CCM Tracks or RBZ with Adidas logos. Adidas also does not make goalie gear or any other protective gear. All of the players using Adidas gear also use CCM protective gear.

Anyway here are the first two teams Canada and the Czech Republic:

photo canada 8_zpsfwp4b5r9.jpg

photo czech 5_zpsbflnbbti.jpg

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