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College Football Branding (Power Digits)


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Hey guys, 

I've done some concepts on here before but never posted anything like this just yet.


I want to start by saying that this is the brand of my mathematical College Football rankings, 100% bias-free, called "Power Digits". Not trying to advertise it but if you're interested, this is the website.


I spent the summer working on getting familiar with Adobe Illustrator, and have a base understanding of it at this point. I'm here to share some of the graphics that I've made over the year and I'm looking for feedback to make it seem *more professional*


Its a step above beginner but isn't up to par with the graphics that teams and top news outlets post. So let me know what you guys think, and any way to improve them!!


The logo I created entirely on my own, it is a "p" and a "d" if you didn't see it at first.


Also apologies if these images are huge!










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