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Question about XM satellite radio ad

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It's the ad that shows the fans of various teams facing off, such as Dodgers/Giants, Red Sox/Spankees, Mets/Phillies, all of which make sense because they are true rivals and have a history that goes back for some time.

But then they have a shot of Cal Ripken Jr.* standing at an airport luggage carousel wearing some Orioles stuff, and he spies a guy absolutely buried in Angels gear.

When did the vaunted Orioles/Angels rivialry spring up? It must have happened in an alternate dimension, 'cause try as I might, I can't think of any rivalry that exists or has ever existed bewteen the Orioles and the Angels.

Any thoughts or info on this is greatly appreciated.

*Ripken is in the ad because he has a show on XM radio.

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The 1979 ALCS - but then again that was before Ripken's time.

Reggie Jackson had brief stints with each team.

Peter Angelos wanted to call the team the Washington D.C. Orioles of Baltimore.

Frankly, I share in your confusion - I didn't understand the relevance the first time I saw the commercial and I still don't get it. The only thing that makes even some semblence of sense is that they wanted to get an A.L. west coast team into the mix.

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Ripken played game #2131 against the Angels.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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