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Selig and Palmeiro


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Does anyone find it odd that Palmeiro was tested in May (supposedly) and yet it took until August for this to get announced?

Conveniently it was after Palmeiro got 3000 hits and after Palmeiro got 500 home runs and after the All-Star Game and after the Hall of Fame induction ceremony..Good timing Bud!

I feel bad for the Oriole and other fans who spent money on tickets watching Raffy go after all this stuff. I wonder how much attention it would have gotten if this all came out in June.

Now he gets 10 days off. I hope the public disgrace is more of a determent, but remember Ben Johnson lost his gold medals over failing the same test.

Just another example of how Bud's priorities are generating cash for the owners and not about the integrity of the game.

If he were the first commissioner the Black Sox would have gotten a 10 day suspension!

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