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Did anyone catch that Real Madrid/MLS game?

Ron Mexico

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Oh, and pcgd: I see what you're trying to say, but I submit that the US national team winning the World Cup won't cause MLS to suddenly become big-time. It may raise the profile a bit of soccer, as it may give the general populace a chance to flag-wave about something, but I don't know how much effect that will have on them supporting the domestic league.

I should have clarified. I ment the US National team, not MLS. You are right, at most it will gain the MLS a little more exposure but it certianly won't put it on even keel with the EPL or anything.

For the National team to be accepted internationally I don't think anything short of winning the world cup would do that. I think over the next 2 WCs as it stands now, they have an outstanding shot.

Like I said, I also don't think the players are willing to accept anyting short of winning it. From the sounds of what they are saying, that's all they want. Not a semi's appearence, not a finals appearence, win the whole freakin' thing.

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