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Naked player template


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My kids get on a website called Stardoll.com

In fact, here's the link Stardoll.com

If you click on the Stardoll link, you get drawings of countless celebrities in their underwear.

OK, I've got your attention now, haven't I?

Well, the idea of stardoll is to dress them up.

Eg David Hassellhoff is there, you can dress him for the beach, or a concert in Germany.

Tom Brady is also there.

And that got me thinking.

Could we somehow trace either one of the stardolls, or, failing that a random person.

Then, make baseball, football, hockey and basketball uniforms to go with them.

You could also do Soccer, Aussie Rules, or any other sport really.

It sounds a big project, but is it possible, is there interest in people working together, like the football template nick1733 and others worked on. (sorry guys, I forgot who)

The idea would be to have the body template, then the uniforms in their own layers.

With a basic template for each sport, the designer can then add their own touches from there.

This would make for great realism in showing off concepts;

And what you've all been waiting for David Hasselhoff in his boxers:


Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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