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THis is my first time trying to post a picture on here, so, please bare with me if it's all wacky loopy and whatnot.

I coach my son's U8 soccer team in a very small town in Louisiana. As coaches, we were told to come up with a name for our team. We took it a step further, and made some Tshirts for the kids...and this is what we came up with. Granted, most of this was done on printshop and the paint program that comes on the computer.

Anyways, I was just curious as to what you all think about it... Remember, be gentle...


Hmmmm...that seems awfully large, but I have no idea hom to make it smaller. Heck, it took me all morning just to figure out how to post the image...

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Taking it for exactly what it is -- I like it (although my first thought when I saw the face and the striped shirt was Oscar the Grouch's worm friend, Slimey). This is one of those times where it's okay to oversimplify because you're obviously going for a specific target audience.

Are these worn like patches are on traditional uniforms?


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Are these worn like patches are on traditional uniforms?

No... everyone in the lil league wears the same uni (we got 2 shirts, a white and a blue). When I suggested a jersey w/ this lil patch, I was told probably not by one of the ones in charge... So, our lil teams wear it on somewhat oversized tees in practice and before the games...

And, a couple of the parents say they would like a shirt too...for spirit and all... I thought that was kinda nice...

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