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Southwest Junior Hockey League


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Early Sunday morning I posted to my blog about a new Junior B league located in Texas/Oklahoma, the Southwest Junior Hockey League: http://juniorhockey.blogspot.com/2007/04/n...r-b-league.html

I also included a logo...


Yes, that's the Denver Spurs retooled with some other elements. I forget the name of the barbed wire font I found.

The post included an interview with the commissioner, Chris Perry, who as GM of Oklahoma's club hockey team lent a touch of respectability to the league (which tends to be lacking at this level). Chris and I talked about the new league and the cities contained therein... YH, you'll recognize an element in the league's operational plan - it was to be centrally owned.

In the days following, I've received inquiries from four prospective coaches, a fairly high-ranking USA Hockey official, and one website designer who shall remain nameless. Chris also received some contact, including an interview request from a Texas-based hockey journalist. We both also got about a dozen other emails/calls from our hockey friends who were amazed the league stayed under the radar so well until this point.

All in all, not bad for an April Fool's Day joke. Most people didn't click the link at the end of the post. One prospective coach whom I consider a good friend called me up at 10AM Sunday asking how to contact Chris. I told him all the information he needed was in the link at the end of the post. The next thing I heard was a sad, dejected, deflated, pathetic... "ohhhhhh maaaaaaaaaaaan." Other similar trap-springing episodes were met by varying degrees of cursing and swearing followed by laughing (and more cursing and swearing).

Despite my admittedly sucky logo design skills, one person who emailed said he knew the league was for real because it had a logo. (hey, it works for the ABA and indoor gridiron leagues)


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