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Starting a new television program here in Denver in April.

I'm looking for a logo.

Color scheme?

Purple, black, silver.

Name of the show: DINO-TV

Dinosaurs are strictly prohibited.

Looking for something simple, yet sleek, innovative, something that could be worn on hats, shirts, etc.

This logo will be affixed to the show, always to be seen.

Email address: dinocostaradio@yahoo.com

Phone: 720-280-3514

SSN: Lets get real.

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Out of curiosity, what does DINO mean/stand for?

Why, I am Dino.



?Dino was arrogant, brash, cocky, and somewhat cocky! He was also very knowledgable, confident, competent, and fun to listen to. In short an excellent talk host. It's been over 5 years since he was in our market, but is still referenced on the street and by listeners. A BIG tornado that blew through our small town.?

Howard Monroe, Owner Monroe Communications, LLC

SportsTalk/TalkRadio 1370

?While at Zeo Radio I worked with Dino a number of times. We collaborated on a nationally syndicated radio project and produced many segments together. Dino is as engaging and intelligent as he is controversial and outspoken. In other words, this guy is the textbook radio recipe for success. Unafraid and persistent as hell, Dino is the real deal. Scott Thomas, Co-Founder / CEO, Zeo Radio Networks

?Sports, politics, life, and everything in between. Dino Costa is a sports guy; he can talk sports for hours without relying on callers to carry the show. Dino can make you feel like you were at the game, or wish you were, with his detailed and colorful account of the action. Dino is also a political analyst; he can carry a political topic with the best of them. Dino has strong opinions on a myriad of topic and is not shy about sharing them. Dino is the kind of host that brings life into his show, and he's a sales persons dream talk host. Dino?s ?Talk show tool box? is full of surprise; he uses conflict, tone, volume, vocabulary, and silence like Tiger Woods uses his clubs. Dino has a deep rolodex of regular guest and can pull big names for the topic of the day. I enjoy Dino Costa from a programming and a listener standpoint.? February 19, 2008

Kurt Peterson Sales/ Operations, Radio Colorado Network/Global American Broadcasting; Denver , CO .

?Dino Costa is a true American Original. In a world all too often filled with ?radio talking heads? spitting out the corporate pabulum, not adding anything to the sports industry, Dino Costa tells it as it is. He?s honest, he?s open, he?s unique, he?s one of a kind, he listens, and he has his own opinions but he?s always ready to listen to what others have to say. What?s best about Dino Costa not only is he an American Original but in an industry where so many sports and political radio hosts offer generic, bland and uninformative radio each and every day ? Dino Costa tells it as it is, isn?t in anyone?s back pocket. In a world filled with bland ? Dino Costa is the real thing, the future of sports and political talk radio is in people like Dino Costa and their ability to tell the truth in an informative, entertaining, enlightening and education manner. Dino Costa delivers!!!? February 10, 2008 Howard Bloom Publisher, Sports Business News

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