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Thank you for the harsh criticism


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I just wanted to say a heartfelt thanks to all those who harshly criticized my Making fun of the NHL thread, which I see is now in the graveyard. It was just a lark, and I appreciate all your honest responses. They actually quite amused me.

I plan to share more logos now, but this time they will be serious concepts, not stupid larks.

Logo making is a bit of a hobby of mine, but I don't have a lot of fancy applications for it, so I imagine most of the ones I post will get the same reactions.

Whatever. It's all in good fun.

No hard feelings, y'all.


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I know. I tried, but it looks like once a topic has been moved to the graveyard, no one can post any more.

Admins are free to delete this thread now. I know how useless it is.

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With all due respect, I saw a few jokes and constructive criticisms, but not a ton of out-and-out negativity. I've seen people completely lambasted on these boards, even when they might not have deserved it.

I have been a member for a while, though I don't post often. I like to see other contributions and use this as a sounding board for responses. Some aren't great, some are insulting and some are wonderful. Frankly, I'd rather hear those remarks from a group of people who know enough about the topics to care vs. the general public, who often has no clue.

So, I guess I'm saying, take the constructive criticism and separate your work from your emotions. It's a lot easier to become a better designer.




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