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Skate 2 Graphics Creator


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Hey everyone. I finally get a day off of work and needed to find something to do, and that's when I stumbled upon an online graphics creating application for use with the forthcoming video game from Electronic Arts, skate 2. Now, for what it's worth, the graphics creator seems a little... counter-intuitive.

Still, I hope to learn the creator so I can make some nice graphics, and I do want to make some sports logos. Ideally I can make a Brewers logo to put on a hat, for example.

So, here's the challenge. Accept it if you may (unless it interferes with Sports Identity Showdown! ;) ).

1.) Go to http://skate.ea.com/graphicscreator/gallery.action

2.) Using only the shapes and letters in the creator, re-create a professional or college sports logo.

3.) Post your work here and explain anything if needed.

If this is better suited for another section, feel free to move it, mods. Just not the graveyard, please, because I really want to see what other people come up with.

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