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YH's Super Monstro Challenge Voting


Who shall be the first and only YH Super Monstro Challenge Winner?  

40 members have voted

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All right, it appears that our field is set, and thus without further ado, please select who will win the one and only challenge I shall issue in this community. I will close the voting at 10 a.m. CST on Monday, April 5, 2004 and then declare a champion. Remember, you are voting on whose group of concepts is the strongest. This is an evaluation on the whole, not in parts, so please make a decision that takes into account the strength of the designs as a single package. Thanks for your time and consideration of the following entries:

Iron Chef Shark's Entries:

ICS - Bay Area


ICS - St. Louis

ICS - Minnesota

ICS - Philadelphia

ICS - Pittsburgh

Stampman's Entries:

Stampman - LA/OAK

Stampman - Minnesota

Stampman - St. Louis

Stampman - Philadelphia

Stampman - Pittsburgh

Osilverbacks - LA

Osilverbacks - Minnesota

Osilverbacks - Oakland

Osilverbacks - Philadelphia

Osilverbacks - Pittsburgh

Osilverbacks - St. Louis

Avenger's Entries:

Avenger - All Six

ColeDMD's Entries:

ColeDMD - All Six

Winters In Buffalo's Entries:

Winters In Buffalo - All Six

Thanks to all the entrants - this is a very strong field. And thanks to Zoneranger who submitted only a partial entry (logos but no uniforms) and thus can't be considered for the big prize. His contribution should be recognized nonetheless.

[Mod Edit: Fixed the URL for Shark's Philadelphia concept. Can't nobody say SyPhi never did nothin' for nobody. ^_^]

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