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Port Adelaide Power v.3


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so I'd been using my Port Adelaide logos as wallpaper, and gradually got to thinking I could improve that set with a mix of tweaks and overhauls. So here goes the Power again, along with a 3-jumper set.



Truthfully, I considered not even doing any sort of prison bars and just going with the tesla coil wings. I decided to use em on the home jumper, though not in the traditional manner (seen here). Instead I opted for what amounts to a long crest.

The back panels of all three jumpers, if you look closely, also have the prison bars, in more sublimated form. The biggest change I made was to the full bodied magpie's wings and tailfeathers, which now match the ones on the secondary version. I ran into a slight problem where the wings sort of bled into each other and the body, so silver highlighting was added to lessen that effect. Additionally, I put a wordmark together, and altered the crest, coils and beak slightly/somewhat.


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