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Just for Funtimes: FF Logo Contest - The Count Chocalypse


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My fantasy football league has a sort of unspoken contest for strangest or funniest or most awesome team name each year. This year, I've named my team The Count Chocalypse (after Count Chocula cereal, of course. I have Count Choculitis real bad.).

Now, I'm working up a logo of my own, but I love the idea and team name so much that I thought I'd throw it up here as a contest for you guys to play with.

So here's the rules:

1. You gotta have a primary logo.

2. It must be of your own making.

3. Full football identity packages and secondary logos, wordmarks, etc., will win you extra points with me

4. It has to have something to do with the name of the team.

5. Please post all concepts to this here thread.

6. I will be making and announcing my decision Thursday, September 8 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern, a half hour before the first game of the NFL (and FF) season.

7. Be awesome. You guys should have no problem with this one.

Here's a few suggestions:

1. I would prefer two- or three-tone brown for a color scheme. Like this: chocalypsecolors.png This is not a must, just a suggestion.

2. Adding white or black or any other color is just fine with me, as long as it goes with the color scheme.

3. Silver is played. No sir, I don't like it.

4. Count Chocula. Spookiness. Bats. I like these ideas. Again, not a must.

Here's what you'll win if you're my favorite:

1. I will create a sports-themed, Mega-Man-7-flavored, 16-bit animated sprite for you, featuring a sports team (or comic book character, if you wish) of your choice.


2. I will create a custom FF logo for you in return. Something along the lines of this or this.


3. My undying love and gratitude for a minimum of 24 hours.

In the possible case that I am undecided, I will defer to the community via their comments within this thread.

Ready? Break!

- Crash

(P.S. Mods - If this should be in the Request section, I apologize. I wasn't sure which to post it in. Please move it if that is the case.)

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