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The Night Chicago Died


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While doing my Chicago History Report on the Valentine's Day Massacre, I came across this picture. e.com/2011/10/17/al-capone-photos/&docid=LG-C_xsyPL6IHM&imgurl=http://media.egotvonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/al_capone_1930.jpg&w=467&h=538&ei=bhY2T56xCsW_tgff4PyhAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=554&vpy=363&dur=484&hovh=223&hovw=193&tx=142&ty=93&sig=115104102700474754290&page=2&tbnh=140&tbnw=122&start=29&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:29"]CaponeIt really hit me. Baseball season is coming up, and the Hoodlum Gang has always been a big part of Chicago History. So I figured to make my favorite team, the White Sox gangster jerseys!




"My name is Ignatius Peabody Nobel from East Westerton, Missouri.and this is my friend, um, Ted"

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Right click on the image, click "copy image URL/location", and use the img tags to post the picture. Or post the URL of the picture as a hyperlink. I don't know what happened, but the URL you posted got all messed up.

That said, this is really rough. If you focus on cleaning it up, it would be easier to visualize. Major issue I have right now is that the logo on the front would be near invisible on that jersey, and the cap logo is cut off. The fedora band that you have on the cap isn't even all the way around, either. Pay attention to the few details this uniform has, and it will look much better.

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