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DaRadniz Concepts


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Just messing around with a couple of things I created with Gimp.

The first is a anchor, I wanted to try and do the rope wrapping around it, but I'm not sure how to do it so it looks good -everything I've tried so far looked like crap. Other than the rope I like it, but it just feels a bit plain. Any ideas on what to add, subtract, etc?


The next series is a revamp of an old teambuilder team I have (California State Lumberjacks - Redding, CA). Don't have the game or ps3 anymore, but the other day I saw the thread on the University Outbreak Challenge and got inspired to update my school's look. These are just some basics, more to come. Not sure if I'm a fan of the "State" inside the "C" looks a bit funky to me.


Working on a grizzly/bear paw logo that I'm sketching by hand and hope to get it posted soon. I'm not a great artist, but getting better. :)



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I think I'm going to use the anchor logo for a baseball team. Still contemplating a city though. Was thinking Carolina, but my idea I had seemed a bit too close to the Columbus Clippers. So I think I'll go with the name Admirals, but does Carolina Admirals work? Not sure it sounds right. Also after looking at the anchor logo the top circle/loop looks a tad big to me, thoughts?

Turkelton - Took your suggestion and got the Jacks in blue. Kind of like it, curios as to what others think. Will start working on uniforms and helmets for this soon.




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