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Help Wanted: Web Site Design

Mac the Knife

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As I mentioned elsewhere on the CCSLC a while ago, I'm lining some things up toward the goal of seeking election to North Carolina's House of Representatives in 2014. I'm months away from making an official announcement, and while WintersinBuffalo, a number of others and myself try shaking money loose from people in an effort to mount a successful (or at least credible) campaign, I'm looking to hire someone to tackle the challenge of putting together the framework for the campaign's internet presence.

This framework would consist predominately of 3-5 web templates, which I or other members of the campaign would use to add/modify content as needed: an index page template, a secondary template, a contact form template, a campaign contribution template, and possibly a fifth one to be determined. I also would like the capability to embed fonts into the site's design, for uniformity with other campaign materials which will be produced.

Sadly, the man I'd most entrust to tackle this job - "Yzerfan" here on the CCSLC - has bowed out thanks to the good fortune of being booked solid through the rest of 2013. A nice position to be in, to say the least. So I'm posting here in hopes someone else has an interest in the project.

With past projects I've always found a web site which inspires the look and navigational feel of the one I'd like produced, directing the programmers to those sites to use as an inspirational guide. This project is no exception, as I've identified at least two sites which have elements I'd like to emulate in one form or another.

If you're interested in tackling this type of project, I'd like you to send me information that (1) directs me to your past work - URL's to sites you've designed, a portfolio, etc., and (2) gives me some kind of idea of the cost of implementing the projects you're directing me to. You can post here, or drop me a PM; either way's fine with me.

Should (1) I think you're up to the work that's going to be needed, and (2) I think the campaign can afford your services [sadly, every dollar spent on a web site will be a dollar we won't be able to spend on direct mail, telephone banking, etc.], I'll then get back in touch to give you information as to what I'm looking for (including information on the sites I'd like to have our campaign site emulate). From there we can negotiate actual price, turn-around time and so forth.

This project wouldn't "go live" before October 1, 2013 (and likely not until mid-November, when I expect to formally announce a candidacy), but I'm looking to identify the designer now, so that there can be plenty of lead time to work out any bugs or other issues that may crop up.

Anyway, if you're interested - let me know and perhaps we can go from there!


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Mac, I hadn't seen this... I'd like to at least talk it over with you. A few years back I helped get the Mayor of Champaign, Illinois elected by being one of the men behind his visual and web presence.

My site is jstriebel.com, his is dongerard.com, though it's lost some of its luster and functionality since the campaign. IF you haven't already moved forward with something else (I never trust the time stamps... maybe you just posted that), let me know and we can talk about whether it makes sense to move forward.

I should add in, Mac, that the partner I worked on with that site would likely being willing to be involved again. We do a lot of our freelance as a team. That helps us all with time burdens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently no one wants a paying gig. Oh well. Guess I'm off to elance...

If you are still looking, I am a web developer and designer that focuses on creating responsive sites, mobile apps and complete web applications / websites.

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