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Detroit W H A down to "Final Five" Names...

Brian in Boston

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I voted right after the original poll came out and one of the names that was not "Demons" (I already forgot which, it wasn't what I voted for) was in the lead by far. "Demons" had very few votes. The next day "Demons" had jumped to an enormous lead suddenly. I checked and the only .com domain registered by Senticore (the team owners) that matched the available team names was DetroitDemons.com. They later pointed out to me that they also registered DetroitCougars.net because "Demons" and "Cougars" were the top two in the poll but they did that registration after just one day of voting. It seems to me that they must have known something the general public didn't if they could be confident that those two would stay in the lead for the entire run of the poll.

And as I mentioned on one of the other threads, DetroitDemons.com and DetroitCougars.net are the only domains registered from any of the names available on this new poll.

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