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Indy Eleven Scarf Contest 2013


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Welcome to the boards!

[Full disclosure: I also entered the contest, but I'm not going to steer you wrong--I'm an honest guy.] My biggest concern here is that the front and back look like the belong to two entirely two different scarves. Each side on its own is pretty strong. I would just expect greater unity in design between the two sides.

Also, it could just be an issue with my monitor, but it looks like you used shades of blue other than the official ones. They're going to be sticklers about that.




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Yeah, I wasn't able to figure out how to get the exact pantone so I just tried to match it the best I could (I just converted their pdf to word and did my design through that). I was going for a more "reversible" approach where both sides could hold their own. I have already submitted it so no way you could steer me wrong regardless. ;-)

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Sorry you beat me to the punch--I'm concerned they'll dismiss it just because of the colours.

What program are you using? Most have an eyedropper tool--you could just use that to pick up the colors from the Pantone colors they have at the bottom of the form. In lieu of that, there are programs online that let you calculate conversions amongst RGB, Pantone, hexcode, and other systems. Hopefully this will come in handy in the future.




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Have you tried Paint? if you have Word, you should have Paint on your computer. At minimum, it's a good place to start before you graduate to programs like Illustrator and Inkscape. At best, there are a few folks on here who pull off stunning work with Paint--though it's not easy.




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