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Boston Peregrines?

Elijah Summerdrum

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The jagged indigo area (my fave colour so yay) below the eye is totally haphazard, and doesn't bear any resemblance to the markings of a peregrine falcon. I'd simplify that considerably. In the reference photo, it looks like that area sweeps back. I'd suggest the front of that area be a smooth curve, and the back of it serrated, which would lend a fast, aerodynamic feel to the logo.

I'd also tweak the other colour (pale pewter?) towards the yellow part of the spectrum, to play off the natural complementary relationship between purples and yellows.

I know it didn't fit the reference well, but I like the jagged neck feathers better. But that's just my opinion. I also added more yellow to the beige/vegas gold color. Now its more of a vanilla color. And I kept the navy/indigo just for you.


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The "tooth" looks cool, real fierce and more peregrine-like. It could use a little more smoothing out though, maybe make it a little smaller and make is swoosh back a bit to follow the curve of the tip of the beak. The lower jaw seems a little awkward with how far it curves upward near the head, I'd tone that down a little. I think the simplified markings are a step up, because it makes the fantastically-rendered eye pop more. I'd have them flow a bit more, have them curve with the shape of the head. Great improvement!

Also, I thought it may help a bit if you used a reference for the beak that is profile view instead of 3/4, as you're going for profile with your logo. Here's a nice profile shot, you just need to mirror it:


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