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i joined the board about a three months and i think i was moving too fast and released some bad concepts.

so, i want to start again and do a small hockey concept. The teams will be only from Indiana so you may not know all the locations. i will start a with 10 teams. there will mainly be jersys becasue i stuck at making logos but i will try to create some logos.

i'm no graphic designer had has barely designed anything sooo lets start!

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Not saying that this is bad, but you really need to clean up the logo. But nice job on the jersey.

In all honesty, I can't say I like anything.

Like said, the logo definitely needs to be cleaned up.

I think the colors are way too bright. I get that it might fit because you said you have to have a blast at college, but regardless it's bright.

The jersey design in general is very out there. And sometimes out of the box designs work really well, I'm not against those types, but this is too crazy to the point where it's just a trick on the eye which makes the jersey hard to follow and look at.

The dark jersey has a lot of different lines going in different directions and angles so it throws off the jersey a lot. I don't like 'BLAST!' on the back of the jersey, it's really cheesy.

The white jersey just has a lot of paint bucket fills. The back of the jersey stripe is different than the front.

I hope this doesn't sound mean or off putting because this is to help, but you said you were releasing bad concepts too quick. I honestly think this doesn't help what you were saying. It doesn't really look like there was a lot of thought or time into the jersey. I think you first gotta start simple when doing concepts. Doing made up teams and different out of the box designs isn't the best direction to start. \

Take current teams and remake some of the jerseys. When I started doing concepts all I did was make direct copies of the teams current uniforms in the NHL to make them look as close as possible to their design and making them look good. Then I started doing redesigns. I just think this is way too off for the first try of the series. Back to the drawing boards.

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