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Can someone solve these MLB style ?'s for me?


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I know the MLB style guide is held to a high standard. I also know that people that use this board are privy to it. I'm not asking you to divulge any secrets or post any images. I just want to help solve an argument. It seems every year over at operation sports forums debate this...SCEA (Sony) makes MLB: The Show, but one area they are lacking in is the uniforms. There are two sides to that board. 1. The Style guide police: who claim that the style guide is word of law and nobody can question it. and 2. The side who call BS on the style guide.

For example (I'll use my fav two teams)

The Pirates Sunday throwbacks have a standard block font and on the video game, they have the custom font that the home/away/alt/BP use. I say this is a programming error (just carrying over the fonts to each jersey) yet the style guide police say "that's the way they listed it in the guide"

The Rays' fauxback jersey have a solid light blue cap for the second straight year instead of a navy cap with a small front panel light blue cutout (like the 70's Padres). Again, the style guide police use their argument.


For the members who can answer...Are the error(s) like these on Sony's part or are some things really this bad in the style guide? If it is the style guide, why would MLB want their product out there incorrect? I just can't see these things being incorrect in a style guide.

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