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Billy B

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Posts posted by Billy B

  1. Big Ten 2014 alignment has been decided.

    Big Ten East: Maryland, Rutgers, Penn State, Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State, Indiana

    Big Ten West: Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Northwestern, Purdue

    2 Indiana centric thoughts.

    1) If Indiana doesn't pull off Bowl eligibility next year, it's going to be awhile before it happens

    2) Indiana is separated from all its rivals. The Big Ten might as well add Virginia and UNC now. This bites.

    Hey, we'll finally get to play Iowa in my grad year here. Two teams in the same conference shouldn't go four years in a row without playing each other. Kinda nice that we'll be in the "easy" division too. But this really screws over IU.

  2. The mandatory white socks ruin alot of looks in the nfl

    Pretty much every striped sock in the NFL is ruined by the mandatory white bottom half (Bears, Cheifs, Bills, Redskins, etc.) By the way, what is the reasoning behind the NFL sock rule? Why are teams required to have the white bottom portion? And I want an answer better than "it's always been that way". Honestly, I think solid color socks look way better than the white bottom socks.

    The white at the bottom just looks more professional to me. Possibly because NFL teams are pretty much the only ones to wear it, but switching to solid color socks would look amateurish now.

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  3. I'm on Windows Phone 8 which uses Internet Explorer 10. On my phone, the site always loads the full version and I can't find an option to load the mobile one. Am I overlooking something?

    It's all the way at the bottom of the page. It eventually went back to the mobile site for me sometime last night.

  4. Does it occur to you guys that the Big Ten probably shouldn't have taken Rutgers. Then they could've had the oppurtunity topics three of the following, UVA, UNC, Duke, Georgia Tech or if they wanted to go Northeast-BC, Pitt, Syracuse, Notre Dame. Rutgers seems like a bad place-filler for the Big Ten. They could've sat temptingly at 13 until they decided about if they wanted to go South or North. Now they are stuck with Rutgers.

    Short answer: Syracuse and Boston College aren't AAU members. Notre Dame isn't going to happen right now and it's better to have the New York market than Pittsburgh.

  5. It's looking like Maryland and Rutgers will join the Leaders division and Illinois will be the team moving over to the Legends. Bad news for Illinois football.

    LEGENDS: Michigan, Nebraska, Iowa, Michigan State, Northwestern, Minnesota, Illinois

    LEADERS: Ohio State, Penn State, Wisconsin, Rutgers, Purdue, Maryland, Indiana

  6. If you are attacking ND you don't do it through Maryland. That's not going to ruin the ACC. It'd be FSU, Duke, or UNC.

    I think the B1G has a plan to go to 16 that doesn't include Notre Dame, but room could be made if they change their mind at any point. There's a very high chance that North Carolina will be one of the next teams in the B1G expansion and it's looking like FSU isn't going to be in the ACC for much longer. If that' s enough for Notre Dame to want out, the B1G will be glad to make them their 16th team and finish off the superconference. If Notre Dame is still content being a football independent, it's likely Georgia Tech or even Virginia will cap off the B1G expansion.

    What I think a lot of it will depend on is what the football playoff situation is going forward. If it comes down to four 16-team conferences with each of them sending the conference champion to the playoff, Notre Dame will have to jump ship and likely join the B1G. If there's any other format that allows Notre Dame to qualify for the football playoff as an independent, I don't see them moving to any conference.

  7. So Georgia Tech shows up in some Big Ten rumors.

    Anybody want to take a stab at naming something more quixotic than the Big Ten trying to establish a presence in Atlanta?

    Miami is in there too. Wackiness a plenty.

    Hell, grab North Carolina and Miami and just double down on the whole "postseason ineligible" thing.

    Lol, be careful what you wish for. They have been mentioned too. The B1G will go to 16 sooner rather than later.

    Hence why I mentioned them. At least North Carolina has the appropriate academic profile for the Conference (large Public Ivy). At least until their accreditation gets pulled for the little "football and basketball grading scandal".

    But it's okay because they put normal students in the fake classes too...

    And to help out the rumors that UNC is going to be the final team in the B1G Superconference, it's Jim Delaney's alma mater.

  8. Most of the people I know own fakes are most definitely able to afford the real thing. Also, PROTIP: Don't buy a jersey full-price. Legit places hold sales all the time. Don't be an enabler of IP theft and stop bringing down the value of some of this boards' members. You do realize teams will pay less for design if they're making less off of it, no?

    I own a fake or two as well, and another reason I do is that I dont live in the states and getting acces to LEGIT merchandise can be a TOTAL NIGHTMARE! Seriously, until VERY recently the NFL shop DID NOT ship outside the states, and even when it started doing so we didn't have access to the full range of stuff. Even THIS YEAR, the NFL made a big deal out of it's new NFL-UK shop, but so far each team has only REPLICA jerseys available and only for ONE PLAYER PER TEAM! Again at the end of the day it comes down to the NFL (or whichever league) making IT'S LEGITIMATE product more accessable. Price it right, and make it available everywhere (at the same price - ie exchange rate, NOT swapping dollars for local currency) which in this day and age IS NOT HARD and the demand for knock-offs will fall dramatically OVERNIGHT.

    For the record I'm not encouraging the trade in fakes for one second, as a designer I'm not about to encourage IP theft, I understand the consequences it has for the design industry only to well. But this issue exists BECAUSE of the way Sports leagues and apparell manufacturers CHOOSE to price and sell THEIR products. It's nothing to do with the designers! If the Leagues and Manufacturers made different decisions then CONSUMERS would too! But until THEY change how they operate the problem wont go away, and using the whole IP theft argument, or going after the consumer is the wrong way to go about solving it. Giving the consumer the real deal at a BETTER price solves the issue!

    It's simple supply and demand, if the legitimate producers wont provide a product at a price consumers feel is appropriate, and lets be honest here THEY DONT, $300 for an authentic jersey is CRAZY when you stop and think about it, they leave themselves open to being undercut by fakers. Clearly the NFL feels the losses they are sustaining at present to the fake jersey trade are negligible because lets be honest they could have come down MUCH harder on it before now, had they really wanted/needed to in oprder to protect their brand and profits.


    You keep saying that Nike is pricing itself out of the market by making their authentics $300. That's simply not the case. If these prices were so expensive that nobody was buying them then you'd see the price drop to the appropriate level. The fact is that the $300 price level is the right amount for the demand of the product. Of course it doesn't cost anywhere near that to produce, but there are enough people willing to pay that much to justify the price. Reebok was selling authentic jerseys for about the same price for years. I'm sure Nike had all the data they needed of those sales to determine that keeping the price there would maximize their profits on authentic jerseys. An authentic jersey is a luxury item. That's why Nike can price the jerseys so much higher than what they cost to produce. They're not losing out on profit from the authentic jerseys when people buy counterfeits, because those people wouldn't have bought an authentic jersey in the first place.

  9. I think the Broncos would have been better off just designing an entirely new uniform if they wanted orange as their primary. This set was designed to have the navy jersey be the primary and I think that shows now that they're wearing orange full-time. I'm all for the Broncos wearing orange at home, just not with the current uniforms.

  10. I read that as Applebee's City of Glendale at first glance. Not sure if that says more about me or what I think about Glendale. I'm sure a city sponsorship can't be too far down the road.

    Jobing.com Arena has such bold flavors, you guys.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see Captain Karl's name show up as a potential investor in the next article that comes out.

  11. So what, we're supposed to post a pic of every single player ever traded, in this thread? C'mon. This thread's supposed to be for recognizing those times when famous players played for a team they aren't remembered for, not to post about every single player who ever gets traded.

    This thread was great when it was "Legends in the Wrong Uniforms" and 95% of the players posted had already been retired. Now it's pretty much just a mega-thread for the individual league signings and tradings threads we usually have. Not that it's bad, it's nice seeing players in new uniforms, but it definitely peaked in the first four or so pages of this thread.

  12. I think the best the Cavs have ever looked was the Lebron era uniforms, but I'm a big fan of the current uniforms too. All they need is a gold alt that they wear at home.

    I think this may be unpopular, but I LOVE the current look, particularly the lack of white on the road jersey. A gold alt would probably look good, too.

    I bet they wanted a gold home Jersey but weren't allowed to. May have even seen that in an article. If they had a gild home Jersey it would be my favorite look in their history. I actually love the lack of an outline on these which is unusual for me.

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