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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Milbury should be a part of intermission reports, because I don't watch intermission reports, but he should only be treated as a complete buttmonkey. Everything he says should be met with "yeah, well, you did [any Islanders move]" and then they move to another topic.

  2. It would be easy to be flippant and say he'd take national American telecasts of Penguins/Capitals/Blackhawks/Rangers over Senators coverage from Belleville to St. John's, but you know what, honestly, for all I know, the Senators telecasts have bigger audiences.

  3. Of Doc, Eddie, and Pierre, he's certainly the one people complain about the least (Olczyk's association with the Blackhawks makes lots of people reflexively dislike him), but my complaint with that booth has always been too much shtick, not enough straight man. I don't need to hear "elevators across" ever again. That's gibberish.


    The lead voice should be Gord Miller. He has a rich and sonorous baritone, he can do his job well without gimmickry, and he's a hockey guy whose name is Gord.

    • Like 2
  4. Not a logo change, but it appears to be the end of an era in Chicago, if I'm reading it correctly and the Wolves are no longer producing over-the-air telecasts. Streaming subscription only. 


    It's not like they'd have to send a TV crew far: Rosemont, Rockford, and Milwaukee all play one-third of their schedules against each other. The AHL is not a very well-planned league.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, neo_prankster said:


    "Haley Joel Osment saw dead people more clearly than Brett Favre can see his own receivers!"


    "I've seen internet dial up speeds faster than Warrick Dunn has been running all night!"


    "Wow, look at those muscles. I wonder if Ed Hochuli is secretly The Incredible Hulk!"


    "You gotta love Mark Brunell's scrambling ability, Al. I mean, he carried that football to the endzone like he fell prey to Montezuma's Revenge!"


    If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: what is the meaningful difference between lines like these and Deadspin comments

  6. Yeah, I think Magary and Leitch were the only two who ever truly transcended the hivemind. Leitch used to get on my nerves, but I appreciate him a lot more now for being a voice outside the elite and the private-school--->Prestige Blog pipeline that's so entrenched now.


    And speaking of Magary, if you're wondering what the indefatigable crusaders for truth and social justice have been up to lately, they're right in the heart of their popular annual feature, "Why Everyone Who Likes Football Is Dumb White Trash Except Me And These Bored Lawyers Who Wrote To Me (And You, The Good Boy, Reading This)." 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, OaklandIsBack said:

    Hopefully she doesn’t have to leave her Puerto Rican neighborhood 


    She's the editor at Wired now, out on Friday and in on Monday, which makes this all a pretty loud exit for what amounts to a promotion. Guess everything worked out in the end for you


    I'd like to see all the Deadspin writers pull a Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce and get out from under the vultures. It'd be interesting to see whether readers are really loyal to the writers themselves or are are just drawn to the brand equity. And now, because I must,


    - How long do you think it'll take us to be in a place like this again?
    - I never saw myself working in a place like this.






























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  8. The private equity people shouldn't have bought Gawker. No one should have, because all you would get for your money is a gaggle of private school brats who throw big public bitchfits whenever you suggest that maybe they don't have to do twenty posts a day about their grudge against Dave Portnoy, and then cry about how they want their daddy Nick Denton back, who, pace all the Gawker mythos, did plenty of content-steering by quietly firing anyone who didn't generate enough pageviews for him. We did this whole dance when Univision bought them: there are new executives, we don't respect them, they're mean, they're compromising the sterling integrity of the Brett Favre dick picture Hulk Hogan sex tape website, we want Daddy back. Then they bled Univision out and had to be sold for pennies on the dollar to private-equity vultures. There's no real money in blogging (as I understand it, the whole content side of the operation is essentially the loss leader for their Groupon-esque deal site) and we're on the precipice of everyone learning this the hard way. Including Barstool? Especially Barstool! Idiots though they may be, at least they figured out the real money is in t-shirts.


    I wish I had sympathy for these people (other than David Roth, who is easily their best writer and non-coincidentally seems to stay out of the inside baseball), but I don't. They've been throwing this fit for three or four years now. Anywhere else this were happening, I would, but sometimes when a fire alarm rings too long, you stop hearing it, you know?

    • Like 2
  9. Reading more about Deadspin's editor getting fired, there are some very serious concerns with what new management is doing, namely not allowing reporters to encrypt their mail. That sounds very important for obvious reasons. What sounds much less important is that the bulk of this "stick to sports" edict seems to be code for "please shut up about Barstool already," and this is apparently unacceptable, because what the world really needs is coke-snorting children of privilege with cushy media jobs endlessly sniping at other coke-snorting children of privilege with cushy media jobs. Just shut up! I like behind-the-scenes media stuff, but even I have my limits. Shut up!

    • Like 3
  10. Seems like there are four reliable paths for women in TV sports media:


    1. Be really, really hot

    2. The cool funny gal you could definitely see yourself hanging out with (must also be hot)

    3. ex-athlete

    4. respected sportswriter


    #1 usually just gets trophy-wifed by a professional athlete eventually and the conveyor belt never stops rolling. #3 and #4, they're firmly in the club, maybe they trade one outlet for another but are unlikely to wash out of the business altogether. It's that #2 path that's dodgy because they're not there just to be pretty faces but at the same time never really get the chance to build up the bona fides of the 3s and 4s that make them indispensable, either. Katie Nolan can indeed give you everything Michelle Beadle used to give you, until Katie Nolan decides that she too is of much too great complexity to limit herself to mere "sporps" and the culture war comes a-calling for her as well, at which point someone younger than Katie Nolan will do everything she did for less money with -- at least initially -- less going into business for herself. ESPN isn't in the personality business, they're in the ESPN business, and will chew people up and spit them out accordingly.

  11. Her shtick was to be the cool, pretty, just-one-of-the-guys girl like so many women in sports media. But apparently she aged out of that and is just sort of grouchy and doesn't like watching sports. I'm not sure how much of a role there should be at ESPN for sports anchors who don't like to watch sports.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Digby said:

    Deadspin forced out their editor over some “stick to sports” nonsense.


    The idiot manbabies on team Barstool will crow about this regardless of how sensible it is.


    Wouldn't be Deadspin without "The Thing You Think Is Bad Is Actually Good," would it

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