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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. On 3/22/2019 at 8:55 AM, McCarthy said:

    They have to work in those conditions and live in constant fear that their site will vanish at any moment. No wonder they're all so angry and everything on the site sounds like it was written by the same person - they're all on top of each other! 


    Gawker has always operated under one model of precarity or another. Under Univision, it's that the whole place could be padlocked the next morning. But under Nick Denton, it was their weird, arcane, paid-by-the-pageview model where writers would be going along and suddenly their email account wouldn't work, and then Slack wouldn't work, and finally Denton would just be like "oh, it seems your last article, 'This Red Sox Fan Is A Dumb Jerk Who Looks Like He Smells Probably I Think Maybe' failed to generate sufficient engagement, we actually terminated you two days ago, perhaps we should have made it clearer, well, I suppose you should go, then."


    9 hours ago, Cosmic said:

    I'm seriously considering ditching Netflix for a Hulu/Disney+ bundle later this year, but if Netflix comes up with enough quality things I want to watch? I can just switch back for a month with no big disruption.

    I heard they're working on a show where a stand-up comedian who went to Brown is like "I actually have anxiety and depression" and trudges around New York while a Mitski song plays


    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, McCarthy said:

    Two things. First of all, calm down, Deadspin. This article is more self-indulgent than the article it's about. But Second of all, I don't care about the hot dog or Wilder's puff piece about the hot dog, and I don't care about Deadspin trashing Charlotte Wilder because I actually kind of agree with them when it comes to her - I must admit I find her sweaty and not a particularly deft writer and can't believe she landed a job with SI. Her article about the Patriots Super Bowl win read like a 2 am last minute paper for a freshman writing class. I don't understand her appeal, but Deadspin is far too cynical and nobody should spend too much time there, and they are being ultra grouchy here. 


    It took me a second for the light to go on, but it did. Where did I remember Charlotte Wilder's name from? Oh, she's friends with PFT Commenter and Dan Katz and had them on whatever show it is she does, which made Deadspin's Laura Wagner say that she is a traitor and disappointment to all women who work in sports:



    Which means that this whole article is nothing but an excuse for yet another chapter of America's favorite nerd fight, Deadspin v. Barstool.
    You may think it was the really mega-popular prom court kids who in adulthood never got over high school social dynamics. You'd be wrong: it's all the high-achieving NHS/application-padders in the next tier down who are obsessed with defining who's in and who's out and keep on doing it all their lives, and where do those kids end up?




    At this big long helldesk, apparently! 

    • Like 1
  3. I don't think it would hurt Anaheim's reputation if the Angels were to leave, but I also don't think there's anywhere better for them to go. Do you think they could wind up building a new stadium in the parking lot if the old bones of Anaheim Stadium are deemed to be beyond help? You look at a satellite view of the region and there really aren't many >100-acre lots waiting to be developed.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, sc49erfan15 said:

    What's the issue?


    Granted, I'm not intimately familiar with Chicago suburbs, but Google Maps shows me a planned streets, mostly single-family residential (small-ish lot sizes, but yards exist), 2 golf courses, a few commercial strips, abutted by an Interstate... looks like a streetcar suburb to me. What's not suburban about it?

    Well, it's a neighborhood in the city, albeit one on the edge of it, and "suburban Chicago" typically refers to the suburbs. 


    Perhaps the reason no one has suggested "Long Beach Angels" is that Long Beach isn't really a place people think about too much, not like Anaheim, the Disney city. Also, such a move would bring them closer to Los Angeles than they are now, so the current name would fit fine. Long Beach is right next to San Pedro, which is part of L.A., the system works.

    • Like 2
  5. Mike Tirico is calling Hawks-Wings in what I believe is his first NHL game (or at least first since ESPN had games) and in my opinion he's doing a very good job. You can tell he's being sort of cautious, but that mostly means no Emrickian flights of fancy, which isn't the worst thing in the world.

  6. local NBA ratings are getting really bad



    The drop-off is most pronounced in some of the league’s biggest markets, like New York (down 41 percent on MSG Network), Chicago (down 36 percent on NBC Sports Chicago) and Boston (down 27 percent on NBC Sports Boston). Ratings for Bulls games in Chicago are at their lowest point in at least 13 years as the team has struggled on the court with one of the NBA’s worst records.

    The league’s worst local ratings so far this season are in Orlando, where Magic games on FS Florida have posted a 0.44 rating. That is down 28 percent and on pace to be the team’s lowest rating in the 13 years for which Sports Business Journal has data.

    Historically strong market San Antonio has experienced a significant ratings drop. The Spurs this year have seen their ratings fall by 34 percent on Fox Sports Southwest, though the team’s local ratings are still the third highest in the league.


    I'm a little surprised that Bulls ratings are going down the way they are because usually their ratings and especially their gate have been pretty insulated from poor performance. But there is something that feels breaking-point about this Bulls season: The brazenness of replacing one dumb coach with another, even dumber coach is a big part of it, but I think it's the reality of how the influx of new TV money gives the organization no impetus to do anything but collect those checks and indulge their weird Hoosiers fantasies. I must not be the only one who senses a deeper despair than that of the Hoiberg years.


  7. 4 hours ago, mcj882000 said:

    The Down Goes Brown book was talked about before, and having spent the last 2 weeks reading through it I really have to mention the insane 1970 draft "lottery" that it talks about in one part. That year they gave the expansion Sabres & Canucks the top picks, but apparently decided flipping a coin to see who picked #1 was too easy, so they hastily brought out a big wheel with 13 numbers on it, decided landing on a 7 would be a respin to make the wheel actually even, and then let the teams pick what half of the wheel they got. Buffalo won the right* to pick so they took 8-13, Vancouver was left with 1-6, and so they spun. President Campbell then announced that the winning number was 1 for the Canucks, but Sabres GM Punch Imlach noticed something: the winning number was actually eleven and it was shown vertically as 

    instead of "11" on the wheel, which Campbell proceeded to misread. So, Vancouver got swerved, Buffalo won the #1 pick and got Gilbert Perreault; the Canucks settled on Dale Tallon and the rest is history. 

    * - how did the Sabres win the right to pick first? Easy, they flipped a coin


    Most OITGDNHL stories are malicious or evil or downright insane but this whole sequence is almost charming. It's like little kids playing.

    • Like 3
  8. Not a fan of three teams in Winnipeg nor a Dub team as far east as Winnipeg is. Isn't the arena in Abbotsford open? Is there an arena in southern Oregon?


    I'm not really a fan of the Moose being there, either, though I understand that it's not an easy place to send guys up to and down from. Thunder Bay ior Saskatoon would be a headache for everyone, and the traditional AHL circuit isn't any easier.

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